chapter 16

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Ever since that day, Jacob has been going crazy. He started cutting himself, smoking in the house, and he even hit his mother. Mama Perez couldn't take the constant back and forth when they were arguing. Many hurtful words were said and tears were shed in that house. Jacob still stayed in mama Perez house far after his availability to leave. Mama Perez couldn't handle it anymore so she told him to move out. It took some time but he finally found an apartment where he currently lives. They haven't spoke to each other since then. Bahja had the baby. A pretty girl named Gerraneesha.

She took care of it for a few months. She couldn't take care of the role of being a mother. Especially a teen mother. She decided to give the baby up for adoption, but Jacob jumped at the opportunity to take her in. He felt that was the closest living thing to Chresanto. That's what mainly lead to Jacob being put out. He tried to go with the name of Gerrayah, but it wasn't his taste so he changed her name to LilyAnn as soon as he had gotten full custody of her. Now back to the present. Jacob is 23 and LilyAnn is 6. The parent situation is still unknown to her. All she knows is that she has a mommy who she doesn't know, a daddy who's dead and a papa who's taking care of her to this day.

LilyAnn: papa the store is gonna run out of bears If we don't hurry up

Jacob: okay okay I'm coming. Just grab my hand

Adult Jacob and young LilyAnn were walking through the mall and looking for the Build a Bear Workshop. Finally, they had made it. The little girl was so excited to finally make her friend, Lola Bear. Lola was the main character in the bedtime stories Jacob came up with every night to put LilyAnn to sleep. Rather a cute situation if you ask me.

LilyAnn: come on Papa. They're gonna run out if we don't hurry up.

Jacob: okay Lily. Lets make Lola

When the two had made Lola Bear, the shared a hug and looked at the teddy. A light brown plush friendly an I Love You t-shirt and a black skirt with a white trim. Her shoes were white with a pink button and a hot pink flower was adorned on her head.

LilyAnn: passion for fashion

Jacob: keep up with the latest trend. Right Lily?

LilyAnn: exactly. Papa can we go to the park across the street?

Jacob: well.... I guess we can. It wouldn't hurt. Just put Lola in the car so she wont get lost

They put the bear in the car and walked across the street to the park. That was the same one that Jacob and Chresanto had their first date. A lot has changed at the park since the last time they been there. There was a major upgrade on the play equipment, there was a pool that was recently made and it already looks like it was well broken in. He looked around at the things he could recognize and it brought back memories. But one thing stayed familiar, the rose garden.

LilyAnn: let's go over there

They went over to the rose garden. LilyAnn skipped about and found that same old gazebo where it all started. Jacob soon followed. He looked at one of the wooden benches where he seen that the scratched thing of their initials remained intact. J+C with a heart. The smell of roses danced around and reunited with his nose. He fiddled around with the petals that were falling off an orange/pink rose.

Jacob: if only you were here

He had soon gotten a tap on the shoulder and heard a familiar voice

???:hello Jacob

And things weren't making much sense anymore......

The End

Thank you everyone for making this story such fun to write. I've had so many laughs reading your comments y'all children are so funny. Y'all gave the confidence to keep writing even when I felt like nothing to write. So Im grateful for that. But I have two pieces of good news. One, my birthday is on Sunday yaaaay *party horns* I'm gonna be 17 bitches. Okay lemme calm down, and lastly, gold yourself together for this one..... THERES GONNA BE A SEQUEL!!!!!! details coming soon. Thank you all again and keep on reading. Byeeee *kisses and hugs*

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