one- summer

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No one likes school. No one.

School is like a curse- when in it you're depressed, and when out of it you're bored. If one likes school, then they're the taboo. Dylan Grace does not like school, to put it simply. He'd been gifted the title of 'freak' in sixth grade and it had stuck since. He had no friends (literally none, in the sense that no one would even talk to them, bar snide remarks and questions from teachers). He spent his time doodling in the back of the class while the teacher droned on about some subject he cared nothing about. He's not smart, he's not dumb, he's just average. His grasp on the content he was forced to sit through was decent, he usually got Bs, but the classes were torture nonetheless. The boredom was truly soul-crushing. Doing nothing but listening for 8 hours everyday with no one to talk to got old, fast. Very fast.

Now, he was just ready to go home and spend the summer alone, secluded in the safety of his room. After years of solitude, he'd grown to enjoy being by himself. Somewhat. Dylan exited the school by himself, grateful to finally be free of his prison for about two months. He ignored o the friend groups making plans for the summer, the hugging couples, and the teary "oh my god I'm gonna miss you so much I can't believe this is over oh my god call me everyday I love you"s. He only listened to Girl in Red singing about a dead girl in a pool and how she needs to be alone. He needed to be alone.


     "How was your day?" Asked Dylan's mom as he pushed open the door, tossing down his backpack and wishing he would never have to pick it back up again. She was sat at the table, typing on her computer, her dark, stringy hair hanging in front of her gaunt face.

       "Long. Boring. The same as every other day," he responded quickly. Dylan knew he was being brisk with her, but he didn't care. He was tired, he was upset, he was maybe a little bit lonely, but he didn't mind. He just wanted to go to sleep.

       "Honey, I've been worried about you. You're always upset! What's getting you down?" She started. This had become a near daily routine: her asking about his day, him providing a negative yet honest response, her lecturing him on his mental health for five minutes and then the two not speaking until dinner. Dylan rolled his eyes as he searched the fridge for food.

      "Hmm, lets see. I have two months of heat and boredom ahead of me, I'm exhausted, I'm already bored," he answered, putting up a finger for each response "I can go on," he volunteered, raising his eyebrows dramatically with a light smile.

      "Oh! Well, I've got a surprise for you that'll fix some of those things," smiled his mom, pushing her hair out of her pale face.

      "Oh, what?" Mumbled Dylan, biting his apple and leaning against the counter. Dread coursed through him- his mother's surprises were never pleasant, despite what she though of them.

      "Remember Sawyer?" She asked with a smile.  Dylan furrowed his brow, crossing his lengthy legs and balancing his weight against the counter.

      "Nope," he said, checking his phone for the time. He just wanted to take a nap.

      "Well, he's staying with us this summer!" She said with a smile and jazz hands, still trying to make him happy. Apparently, his face gave away his horror, so she sighed loudly. He couldn't remember the last time that he'd genuinely felt the unbridled joy she expected him to at this dreadful proclamation, so he knew that no matter his reaction she'd be disappointed. At least she's trying, I guess. "I'm sure you remember him, you two were good friends when you were very young," she pushed.

      "You're inviting some random guy over to our house for the entire summer?" Dylan exclaimed, the weight of her words just then setting in. He'd realized this would be unpleasant, but only then did he realize how truly long this would last. His mother's grin faltered but then returned.

       "He's not some random guy, he's my godson! That makes him your- I don't know- god-brother or something! Remember Susie, your godmother? He's her kid! And don't complain and tell me he can't come, because he's going to be here in half an hour, all the way from California! I offered to take him in when Susie kicked him out!" She said, her tone becoming more vindictive than it was. Dylan could tell she was not going to budge on the issue, but that didn't prevent him from complaining about it. His mouth hung open in utter shock and despair.

      "Let me get this straight, you're inviting your 'godson' to our house, OUR house, for the ENTIRE summer? All because his mom kicked him out? For what?" He plastered his hands to the sides of his head and groaned in dread. "And you expect us to become friends?!" Dylan cried. His mother sighed and pinched the bridge of her nose.

      "Why are you so rude, hm?" She snapped, slapping the table with one hand. "Why can't you be like Eric? He's smart, he's sweet, he treats his mother with respect, like you should. I raised you both, there's no reason for you to be so cruel." Dylan bit his lip in anger, her words stinging more than they should.

      "Probably 'cause I'm not Eric, and I never will be, despite how much you wish I could be a 'perfect boy' like him. He moved to Dad's anyways, now didn't he?" He growled, turning towards the stairs to leave the room.

     "Dylan!" Calls his mom after him, but he didn't care anymore. "Come back!" She sighed, clearly exasperated, but he slammed his door instead. He was quite done.

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