Chosen | 4

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The next morning, I woke up at the crack of dawn and headed out to the city to turn in my application. I had hoped to be back before my mother would wake up but it seemed like everyone else had the same idea as me, which was to wake up early and get in line first to turn in the forms.

The streets were crowded with girls from all different castes. I had made an effort to wear my best Sunday dress, but it didn't even compare to what the Twos and Threes in front of me were wearing. I prayed that the prince chose girls at random versus being picked based upon appearance.

I took my place at the back of the line went through my application to make sure that I had filled everything in.

Name: Hadley Berkshire

Caste: Four

Age: 18

Eye Color: Brown

Special Talents: Cooking, plowing, horse-back riding, gardening

Who was I kidding? They definitely weren't going to choose me. I had absolutely nothing to contribute to the kingdom.

"Hey stranger," a voice said from behind me.

I turned around to see Amelia. Amelia was a friend from school. We weren't best friends, but it was nice to have someone to talk to.

"Hey girl! How have you been?" I smiled.

"I've been well! Just trying to keep up with the farm, same as you," she stated. I saw her fiddling with the packet of papers in her hands before she looked up to meet my gaze. "I didn't expect to see you here Hads. Are you applying?"

"I guess so."

"I mean why not? There are hundreds of other girls living in our province let alone the thousands applying within the whole country. Only thirty-five get chosen. Why not apply for the fun of it?"

She had a point. Only thirty-five girls would be chosen. I was just one in a million.

Suddenly this whole applying to escape my dad thing seemed silly. There was a slim chance that my name would be chosen. And even if I was given the opportunity to compete in the Selection, it wasn't like I wanted the Prince. It wasn't fair to the other girls who actually wanted to marry him. Sooner or later I would just be eliminated anyway and end up right back where I started.

"Maybe this was a mistake," I muttered under my breath.

I was about to step out of line, not realizing that Amelia and I had made it to the front, when I suddenly felt a hand on my back.

"Right this way young lady," an older woman said.

She wore a pair of thick brown glasses, but the frames were too small for her actual eyes. So, they were propped up on the tip of her nose so she could peak through them.

Her graying hair was swooped up in a high bun, but unlike my mother, her hair was slicked back and looked smooth. All in all she reminded me of a very old book keeper.

I opened my mouth to explain that I was just leaving when she pulled me into our province's building.

"We are just going to quickly take your picture to end the application process, do you have your forms?"

"Yes, but-"

"Good. I will take those from you now to make sure they are filled out correctly."

"Why not apply for the fun of it?" Amelia's words echoed.

I passed her my packet and watched her eyes quickly scan through my responses. She must have thought I was an idiot for even trying to apply for such a thing. I had no useful talents and I certainly was not the type of girl to be seen wearing a ball gown.

"Alright everything looks good. Please take a seat right over there so we can take your picture."

I followed her orders sitting on the hard, wooden chair. This was it. I was really doing it.

I had no idea if it was appropriate to quickly finger brush my hair, but I did it anyway. I wasn't wearing the best outfit, but I hoped that smoothing it out would make it look better on camera.

"Smile on the count of three," the woman instructed. "1...2...3..."

My mouth curled upward as I flashed the smile I had inherited from my gorgeous mama.

"Thank you very much Miss Berkshire. The exit will be on your left."

I exited the building still wearing the same smile captured on camera. I had applied for the Selection. And there was no turning back now.


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