Part 9

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Christmas Eve

Brook's POV

I heard the doorbell as I was walking to the kitchen. I went to the door.

"What you doing here?" I asked.

"I always come over for Christmas Eve dinner." Tiana said walking in.

"True." I said as I closed the door.

We walked in the kitchen where my mom was.

"Hey, ma. Tiana's here." I said.

"As always." She said smiling. "When did you get dreads?"

"Well there not real, they fake but I got them done at school."

My mom shook her head.

"Brook, get your brothers and sister. People about to start coming."

I nodded and went to the stairs.


I went back in the kitchen. My mom looked at me.


"I wanted you to go up there."

"Oh." I said as I sat down by Tiana.

I heard footsteps and my siblings were coming into the kitchen. I picked up Simba and sat him in my lap.

"Okay, no one goes upstairs while guest are here." My mom said.

"Guest? Who's a guest?" Sasha said.

"You know what I mean. I don't want nobody ripping and running up my steps. Go it."

"Got it." We said.

"You too Tiana."

"But I don't live here." She said.

"Your over here like you do so you got it?" My asked.

"Got it." She said.

When are people going to start coming so my mom can stop starring at us and stop making us straighten things up.

Shawn's POV

"I know." I said through the phone.

I was also looking through some stuff on the computer so I could finish up this deal.

"Yeah, okay I got it but I gotta go." I said. "Yeah, okay. Enjoy your holiday."

I stood and shut off my laptop as I hung up. I put my laptop in the bag and checked the time. Shit, I'm late. I walked out the office and called the house. It rang as I got in the elevator.

"Shawn, where you at?"

"I'm just leaving the office."

"Just leaving? You knew what time this started."

"Bey, I'm sorry. I lost track of time but I'm about to be in the car." 

"Okay, just be safe."

"Alright bye."


I hung up and walked to my car. I got in and rubbed my hands together cause it was cold. I started the car and drove home.

I finally made it home and I saw cars parked in front of my house. I grabbed my laptop and got out. I opened the front door and I could smell food and hear people talking. I went in the kitchen and there was Bey and all the women. I spoke to them before I went to put my laptop in the room and took off my jacket. I went in the basement to see the kids first. I saw they were in the studio. I walked in and Corey was playing something while the twins and Justin danced.

"Daddy!" Justin said and jumped in my arms.

I lifted him up and kissed his head.

"What you playing?"

"Some stuff I got from my album so far." Corey said.

I nodded.

"I think dinner almost ready so get ready to come upstairs."


I let Justin down and went into the living room.

I dapped up Trey and Daniel. We sat down and watched ESPN until they called for dinner.

Beyoncé's POV

I went down to the basement and told the kids to come up and I told the men in the living room. Before everyone made a plate we held hands and prayed. Everyone got their food buffet style. The kids sat at the island in the kitchen and the adults sat in the dinning room.

"Okay, what I gotta do to eat in the dinning room?" Sasha asked.

Brook laughed.

"Only one more year at the kids table." Brook said laughing.

"Mommy." Sasha said.

"Bey, let her sit in dinning room." My mom said.

I laughed and agreed.

"Wait, I had to wait till like eighteen." Brook said.

"Oh well, just go eat." I said.

We all went to sit down and eat. Periodically we would all go check on the kids but the dinner consisted of us talking, laughing and just enjoying each others company.

After dinner everyone left and I was just glad I didn't have much to clean up.

"Mommy, we gotta put the cookies out." Justin said.

"Okay, go tell everyone to put on their PJ's so we can do it." I said.

Every year we all get in our PJ's and put the cookies and milk out with Justin then we struggle trying to get him to bed. Mostly we sing to him and he finally falls asleep. I went to change so did Shawn. We waited for Justin and he came with Corey, Sasha and Brook. We went down to the kitchen. We made the cookies earlier that day. He grabbed the plate and Corey poured the milk in a cup.

"Justin, don't drop the plate." I said.

"I'm not." 

We walked in the living room and he sat the plate down and Corey sat the milk down. Shawn reached for a cookie.

"Daddy! That's Santa's! You can't have it!" Justin said angrily.


"Hey, calm down." I said. 

"I won't eat it." Shawn said laughing.

I'm not gonna lie, it was funny cause it came out of nowhere.

"Okay, Simba." Brook said. "Time for bed."

"I want my song." He said.

"What song?" Sasha asked.

"The song mommy and Corey sung to me." Justin said leaning against Shawn's legs.

"The Christmas one?" Corey asked.

He nodded.

"If we sing it will you go to sleep." I asked.

He nodded.

Me and Corey sung him This Christmas. He seemed to like it as he was nodding off. I knew he would do that. Shawn picked him up and took him upstairs to tuck him in. Now to get these gifts under the tree. I had the kids help me and we ate the cookies as we did it.

"Oh, this mine." Sasha said.

"Don't look in it." I said.

We finally got all the gifts under the tree.

"Don't y'all sneak down here and look at nothing." I said.

"Ma, really?" Corey said.

"It wouldn't be the first time." I said eyeing them.

I kissed them individually and told them good night. I went into the room and Shawn was on the bed knocked out. I know he's tired, he been trying to close a deal and I know he had a long day. I kissed his lips before I turned the light out and went to sleep myself.

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