Part 8

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L/N= last name
Y/N= your name
N/N= nick name
E/C= eye colour
H/C= hair colour
* more might be added later*

Y/N  p.o.v

"So you scum bags used the press as a cover and sneaked on to campus" Our teacher said making my head click. I guess principal Nezu took mine and Shinso's claim into consideration having Aizawa know about it.

A bird like creature beast came out of the purple mist and stood there beside a man- who looks oddly familiar. What is that thing?

"Real villains no way.." Kirishima said in utter shock. My gaze hardened at the villains who were approaching us.

"Thirteen why aren't the alarms going off?" Momo asked pushing her way to the front of the crowd.

"I'm not sure..." the rescue hero trailed off, they stood in front of us to keep us from any harms way.

Is the entire campus under attack?" My eyes sifted to the stoic voice of Todoroki. He was looking down onto the villains. "... or is this their only target? Either way if the alarm sensors aren't being triggered, one of these villains must have a quirk that is masking their presence here. Their fools for trespassing here but they thought his out. Whatever their plan they must have a concrete objective in mind-" i took into what Todoroki was saying into consideration.

"But what is it?" I asked unintentionally cutting him off.

"Thirteen alert the school" Aizawa commanded as he was getting ready to fight the low life villains. From what I can tell just by looking their are only three that seem dangerous. "I'll leave it to you Thirteen"

Aizawa descends to the central plaza to fight back against the invading villains. He used his erasing quirk to cease the low life Villain from harming him. It was only him on the battle field punching and hurting villains with that strong fiber scarf of his.

Everyone began to run to the exit out of reach from the attack. But we were stopped by a villain covered in mist. How did he get here? He was quite tall and floated up in the air. His quirk must have to do with the mist that allows him to teleport.

"There is no escape" his voice was deep as he looked down onto all of us. "It's a pleasure to meet you, we are the league of Villains and we decided to invite ourselves  this haven of justice. Asides isn't this a fitting place for the symbol of peace to take his last breath. Their talking about All Might, was that their motive? To end All Might? "I believe he was supposed to be here but I don't see no sign of him."

Thirteen tries to use their Quirk with their finger to suck the villain in, but Bakugou and Kirishima jump out and attack the void mist guy instead. Their attacks prove fruitless creating a big boom and aggravates the purple man further. The villain uses his Warp Gate engulfing everyone into the Smokey purple mist.

My head became all dizzy and all I could see was purple. Before I knew it I landed on a hard surface groaning in pain.

"Shit that's gonna hurt later" As I stretched my back I looked around. I seemed to have been transported into the Landslide Zone with Todoroki. My gaze however traveled to the sides as I saw several villains surrounding us. I ready my hands in case these guys were tough to handle- though, I doubt it. It seems like the more villains there were the weaker they were.

Todoroki makes short work of the villains, beating me to my attack. The boy walks past his frozen victims and evaluates the current conflict. He's handling very maturely, though I'm not shocked, he seemed very suffocated.

"Are you embarrassed to be beaten by a child?" He sounded cold and his voice dropped with cockiness, although his voice kept his calm exterior. "For Gods sake your adults, give a real fight."

Determination (Bakugou x reader x Todoroki)Where stories live. Discover now