Part 20

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L/N= last name
Y/N= your name
N/N= nick name
E/C= eye colour
H/C= hair colour
* more might be added later*

Y/N p.o.v

The ride was long, one of the longest I've ever been on, it was silence not an awkward silence just a comfortable one. So when we got to the hospital where Iida and his family were with Mom and Dad, I didn't speak either. Haru did most of the talking to the lady at the front desk. She had a mask on and ordered us to head to the fifth floor. Walking past all these rooms and onto the elevator my eyes stayed glued to the floor.

It was just Haru and I in here and the sound of the elevators music was the only thing that separated the silence between us. As we reached the fifth floor the metallic doors began to open allowing us to walk forward. As we neared room 514 I peeped through the glass and it revealed the Iida family surrounding Tensie.

I will admit, I did feel jealous of Iida, he had his loved one that came back to him, that's more than I could say. Haru and I kept walking past looking for room 520. As we reached it we opened the door to reveal mom laying on a couch with a coffee coloured blanket over her body, she was taking deep breaths through her sleep, her eyes were puffy, her hair was a tangled mess and she was shivering.

I could only imagine what she's going through right now, the love of her life gone in an instant. She must of tired herself out, from crying, I don't blame her though who would. This whole situation is too surreal, I felt like I was dreaming, a nightmare I couldn't wake up from. Looking to moms left I saw what looked like a body covered by a blanket in a bed.

I looked up at my brother who's eyes never left the bed with the body on it. I grabbed onto his hand intertwining our fingers, his grip was barley there however, mine was all we needed to hang on.

We walked near to the bed and Haru uncovered what was under the blanket. There laid dad with pale skin and his eyes closed and dired blood coating some of his face and hair.

"Oh god" I said taking a steps back taking deep breathes in. I couldn't take it, I didn't know what to do, he's gone, gone for good. I went down on my knees and started to cry I was now on the hospital floor feeling so helpless, crying myself away.

Haru stood next to me still looking at dad with an emotionless stare as tears trailed down his face. My wailing must have been loud since mom had woken from her slumber.

"It's alright." It was all mom could manage out. She wrapped her arms around me all while I kept crying, I soon felt water on my shoulder and saw her H/C locks rested on her face and tears falling down her cheek.

The truth was it wasn't alright, it's not going to be alright, Dad made things alright and without him it's not the same.

"You damn bastard, why did you leave like this" a deep tone muttered. I looked up to Haru who's face was now showing anger and tears were spilling uncontrollably. " YOU DO NOT GET TO LEAVE THIS FAMILY LIKE THIS!" He yelled out hitting the hospital bed with a loud thud. "I didn't even get to say bye... I'm so sorry" his voice chocked back the words that made my brother sound vulnerable for the first time ever. He stayed standing with his clenched fist on the bed. "I'm so sorry"


Two days had passed and it was the day of the funeral, seemed a bit rushed but it was for a pro which meant other pros would be gathered and they were on a tight schedule. It was the day before I had to return to school, the funeral was being broadcasted for fans of my dad who also wanted to pay respect. This meant that most of my classmates were tuned in, I dreaded this day, I dreaded it because my personal life will be broadcasted for the world to see, because this is the day I have to say goodbye.

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