The scars we hide

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"Scar tissue that I wish you saw"
Chapter one : The scars we hide

"My name is Kanii"

*rushs of trash*

"my name is Kanii Kontororu, I'm a nurse down at Mr Shinja's clinic." Darkness was the only thing seen as the discorded woman like voice continued " Wait right here, Mama is going to go see if any one needs help- you just wait right here and watch.." the voice turned to that of a scream "Wait right here and watch"

The girl in the middle of the darkness cradled herself in a feudal position as she started breathing heavily, the far away voice kept chanting at the blonde as a whisper flew in her ear "Wait right here and watch"

~dream ends~

"Holy shit!" The blonde shot out of her chair making the desk in-front of her slam into a boy with red hair.
"Mrs.Kontororu!" The teacher scolded "language young lady ! And no sleeping in my class. That will be another detention !" Said the teacher tapping her foot. Her peers giggled as the usual class misfit's face stayed solid. "And apologize to mr. Kirishima!" Looking at the teacher with a straight expression the girl seemed to give up their starring battle..she turned to the red head. "I'm sorry for hitting you with the desk Kirishima" she bowed in front of the whole class making it dramatic. "O-oh please forgive me, I never meant too! I'll die if you don't!" Her voice going to a higher pitch Causing the class to erupt with laughs and the boys face to turn as red as his hair. "CODA!" Just as the teacher was about to give the girl another lecture the principals assistant barged into the room
"The principle needs mrs. Kontororu, Coda" smiling evily teacher pointed at the blonde - who was now sitting in the chair looking at the tipped over desk
"Thank god" the teacher said shaking her head and the assistant lead Coda out the room.
"See you soon Sensei" waved Coda with a cheerful smile.


"Look mr. Ken, I know that someone has been stealing snacks out the teachers lounge again. But this time I swear it wasn't me" yelled the petite girl running into the room shaking her head , she stopped in her tracks. "What's wrong mr.k?" She whispered looking at the usually angry man- seeing that his expression held concern, and sadness.
"Coda dear please take a seat" the principle nodded his head as she timidly sat "I-I'm not being expelled am I ? I know I act stupid sometimes but it wasn't that bad - was it?" She questioned looking down "I'm sorry Mr. k I'll do better , it's just sometimes the Sensei's can be so dumb or like insensitive so it's-" he cut off her rants
"It's not about your performance, behavior, or actions dear" he reassured "the school - well me .. I got a call from the hospital, today about an hour or so ago .. your mother stopped breathing.. they thought she was waking from the coma.. but the brain damage was unbalanced and old scar tissue ripped" the blonde girls eyes watered over "coda , your mother- she passed away" clicking her tongue all she could let out was a soft
"O-oh.." she looked down and let her bangs fall over her eyes "does this mean I'm staying at the foster home forever now.." the man sighed

"Coda it won't be forever .. I've told you .. just awhile longer sweetie"

"You've been saying awhile longer for the past four years.. I'm turning 14 within the next two months Mr.K.. what-what am I going to do .. I visited her this morning .. she seemed fine .. I - it's just" the principle stood up and walked around his desk before crouching to her level.

"Your a very special girl , with a smart brain, a unique attitude.. don't let these tragedies define you .. you can do better.. "

"Mr k back then I couldn't even help her! "

"Then make a change- help someone else , stop another child from facing what you live with.." he spoke planting his arm firmly on her shoulder. "I've heard you might have some family coming to the funeral it's set for the third. Mr Kanji payed for it do not worry.. just take the next few days off dear .. it will get better" he sighed "I know you didn't want to but I slipped a U.A application in your mailbox earlier this morning, you have amazing gifts .. don't let them go to waste" he said before walking back around to his seat
"you are dismissed"
Chapter one end

/A.N: UWU sorry for the short chapter, but totally star, and comment feedback!\

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