Well its been 13 years

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"Why does it take so long, why does it feel so wrong?"
Chapter 2: Well it's been 13 years ..
Coda's POV

'I always liked the rain , and the cool winds. Just I never imagined I would be standing in it to say goodbye to my mama. '

I stood silently infront as they lowered her casket. Out of the four people that showed up, I only knew one. The man Mr Kenji, he was an old man. He wore a black tuck in shirt and light brown shorts. He has his hands behind is back and his hat clinched in one of those hidden hands a brown hat.

'But who are they? Well I'd assume by the looks of the man and the woman on the side they are Mama's coworkers or maybe old friends..'

Both people had dark hair, one green, the other black. The woman with green hair had tears in her eyes and shook her head every so often in grief. The man with black hair had pity in his eyes when he met mine but I ignored it simply nodding in thanks and watching as he patted his lovers shoulder in respect.

'But the last man.. he can't be.. can he?'

I took my quick glances else wear , looking at the man that not even the priest seemed to notice. He was propped against a tree and I could only see half his face and an arm that implied his arms where crossed.

'He has the blonde hair..'

I swallowed air noticing how tense he was, I could've swore I saw tear stains but the shadow caster to deeply on his face to tell. Just as the casket went down, the mystery mans eyes met my own. Before I had the chance to wave him over a hand plopped on my shoulder. "Coda dear, I'd like to introduce you to the Midoriyas" mr Kenji said as I turned around to face them . Glancing back to notice the blonde was gone.


I thought bitterly but composed myself. The woman looked like she was taking it rougher than me at this point

'Put I suppose I've already been mourning her for four years now..'

I bowed politely "hi it'd nice to meet you, my name is Coda.. Im Kanii's daughter.." at the mention of her name the lady hiccuped " I suppose that y'all were friends of my mother's?"

"Yes, my wife and I grew up with your mother. But after high school we went our separate ways and moved a town away.. it's hard for my wife more than ever. She was her first friend after all" he half jokingly said "but we just wanted to inform you if you ever need a place ... we live close and have a boy about your age. I'm not home a lot but-"

"Sir it's alright" I cut him off

'Like hell I could force myself into these nice peoples life.. I'm better off at the foster home, at these I can't bother them'

"Well if you ever change you mind, mr Kenji has our numbers dear" as they walked Off I heard the wife crying about how brave or strong I am

'Lady , you've got it all wrong'

I looked down finally alone and staring at the slab of stone with my mother's name in it. Just as I was about to shout to myself about life being unfair a deep voice coughed behind me

*hmhp hmhp*

He signaled me to turn around- but I already know who it could be. Without turning around I waved him to walk closer up. I started talking as soon as he was side by side with me. "She talked about you a lot, but she always avoided saying where you were, who you were, hell even what your name is." I looked up at his thin self,". He was lengthy and tall with long blonde hair. "She always said I was surprise, but she didn't have the heart to take you away from your life, to be in mine"

'God mom, didn't think he was your type'

-flash back-
All Might was having a fantastic day, saved a few people , beat even more bad guys and was walking into his two story apartment. Mail was in one hand coffee in another. As he flung bills onto the table one letter caught his eyes. "Hospital? Who would write me there?"
To his surprise it was a will, for his old girlfriend Kanii- a girl he was madly Inlove with but didn't fit the life style of having a hero boyfriend.. it was a letter explaining that she had- no they had a daughter. And if this was mailed then something had happened to her.

"What- why Kanii?!" He screamed slamming down his coffee breaking the glass, walking over to the sink to wash away the mess "it's been over 10 years.. you hid such a thing from me ?? Why!?" Without a second thought the man  quickly called his assistant asking for files on his so called child and old flame. Piecing together the mournful event, and getting a funeral date.
-end of all mights flash back -

Coda's POV

Keeping my snarky thoughts to myself I examined his face, as he did mine. "I- Young daughter" he started over "I never knew it I did, if I even was informed of her health I would've been there .. I didn't know about you and I'm sorry. I'm so so sorry" as much as I wanted to scream at him and blame her death on him I knew it wasn't his fault, or worlds. It was mine for being a coward.. he crouched down to my level as tears went down his cheeks    "I'm willing to do anything to make up for the time- the time I wasn't here"

"Well it's been 13 years, are you even ready to watch a child"

"I could never be ready, but I'm willing to try- if you are , I know moving will be a lot and your friends- but we can visit the foster family and such-"

"No need, they- I guess you could say wouldn't miss me , and for friends. I don't talk much at school unless I'm being a smart arse to the Sensei's" I said lowly placing my hands behind my head in a stretching manner. "So if you really want to put up with me"

"It would be an honor to watch over you daughter, not a burden" the blonde male said patting my head

'God I hate the smothering emotions I feel around this guy, like I want to jump into his arms and cry. Like I'm two or something'

Gulping I shook off the throaty horse voice to normal "w-well if you really don't mind then, I don't see why not" I said roughly instantly regretting my tone but feeling relief when I noticed he didn't mind.

'Wouldn't be the best impression to upset my father in the first 24 hours'

Chapter 2: end
/A.N: trying to write but a bit unmotivated\

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