Basic Training!

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"fire fire , it burns brighter when oxygen is the supplier"
Chapter 11: Basic Training
The first runnings settled, the hero's Coda and Momo outside while the villains Denki and Kirishima were inside the building next to the bomb.

The rest of the class including All Might watched from the station room cameras, the older man pressed a button for the microphone "3... 2...1 BEGIN" he yelled as Momo and Coda whispered among themselves, the boys inside laughed and elbowed each other.

"What are those fools doing ? Goofing off In a time like this ?" Tenya expresses angry "they are setting a bad example for hero's" shaking his head some of the other students sweat dropped at his serious behavior while others agreed- including the teacher..

"Yes Young Tenya , our Villians seems to not take their situation seriously.."


"Sounds good to me Momo" coda nodded back to the dark haired women , turning around coda walked around scouting the area towards the left while Momo did so towards the right .. "no traps here" coda called out through her mic piece.

"Nor here, we are good with Plan A, keep close but we are dealing with an Electric user , and someone who's a tank." She continued now in person turning off her mic. While the scaled the building from behind " I can create using my body fat , so hand to hand combat should be easy to hold for me.. I'm thinking I should take on Kirishima, do you think you could handle Kaminari long enough for me to destroy the bomb?" She asked unsure of Coda quirk uses.

" you taking on Denki would be bad , he could zap you down if your not careful so I agree with you fighting Kirishima.. however I can make biotic thinks move as well , not just Unbiotic" coda smirked as Her partner nodded in approve .. "so if I can get close enough , Denki isn't going to be a problem.."


In the inside the villains were laughing at each other " Your so strong dude, so you use Lighting right ?" Nodding Denki smirked in a cocky manner.

"Yea, you could say I'm a bone shaker"

"Well I can form rock armor , so I think I should take on Yaoyorozu? Are you okay with taking on Coda?"

"Man Id really hate to hit a pretty girl but if we are in it to win it .. I guess I have no choice" Denki said with hand on one shoulder

"They should be coming through the door any minute , you did put the sticky bomb on the door right ?" The yellow haired boy nodded

"Yea just let them open the door than SPLOT! They will be stuck"


high fiving the boys were in complete shock when the glass flew through the room. Both windows behind the boys were broken open and the two girls each went through one. Momo instantly had a bar of metal in her hand and aiming it towards The red headed boy. While Coda slung her leg up aiming her white large sneaker up at the other.

"What the hell??" The boys screamed in unison as Denki turning around and jumped backwards to avoid a foot coming towards his foot and The other rolled and actived his rock armor. Able to take a hit now , The dark haired girl kept fighting , and backing away. Unknowingly leading one away from the bomb.

Coda did a front hand spring , and dodged as Denki made a gun out of his fingers and shot at her. "Damn and she's flexible! Niceeee" he cheered before her foot knocked him across the room , running at the bomb she gently ran her fingers of it before going towards the boy who was now up again with speed. "What is she doing" he muttered before his face turned to shock. He quickly held up his hand and shot lighting at the quick girl who jumped and dodged much like a bunny. Just as she was about to touch his shoulder, he grabbed her by the waist and lifted her over his head sending Lighting through her body.

Coda held in the scream as she fell to the floor , he was wobbly from being kicked around and was slightly laughing "I'm sorry but I don't plan on losing!"

"Well that's very unfortunate then." Coda whispered grabbing his ankle "tag the bombs it" and just like that the yellow haired by jetted towards the door.

"Denki , what are you doing ??" Yelled his partner as he opened the door and got caught in his own trap. He was now stuck to the floor ,

"I-I don't know man"

"It was very unfortunate indeed coda, for these boys to underestimate us!" Momo yelled kicking his leg out from under him before smacking him over the head- knocking him out , "go take care of the bomb, I'll tie them" nodding the blonde ran forward towards the bomb and began to disarm it, just as she finished, momo finished hog tying the boys.

"Well it looks like we won" coda said taking off her bunny mask , before bowing towards the watching camera"


" wow , they were such a good team!" Screamed Mina cheering for her friends "y'all two rock Momo ! Coda!"

"Tech! I could've done better , like they only have 4 minutes to spare" Bakugo muttered to himself crossing his arms. The shorter kid next to him looked up with a bloody nose.

"Bakugo , " Minoru said "those two girls fighting together, and kicking Denki and Eijiro's ass.. god it was like a dream come true" he whispered weirdly

"That's disgusting!" Uraraka said stepping away from the boy

"But so true! It would be an honor to be knocked out or kicked around by them"

"Would you should up!" Katsuki snapped punching him in the head , only for his hand to get stuck to him "what the hell ??"

"Whoops sorry ! There" as the angry male yanked his hand away All Might stepped in.

"Well it looks like we have our winners ! Hero team A has successfully disarmed the bomb, was careful about the building , checked the surroundings , and captured the villains . This is a grade S ! Take note of this pair, the planned together, and worked through a strategy that worked for both of them" All Might smiled before roughly slapping Minoru on his back sending him flying forward and bouncing around the room "and I'm glad to know you admire our lady hero's so much!" He said happily with an undertone of a threat.

"Scary!" Muttered the class before All Might informed the heroes of their victory.
End of chapter 11

/AN:hopefully this makes sense lol..\

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