The letter and The acceptance

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"she's going to break your heart in two"
Chapter 6: The letter and The acceptance
•Coda's POV•

Smacking down the rest of the mail , I kept the U.A addressed letter. "It's me ! All might in a letter" the hologram spoke

"Yo what's up dad" I said jokingly lookin at the letter.

"Congratulations, out of this year's candidates you scored first place ! Beating a new highest score for the exam in the practical and an above average for general studies! So welcome young daughter to the U.A academy .. I am so proud !" Just as I was about to turn around I nearly jumped out of my skin as hands planted on my shoulders. "I really am proud" All Might - Aka my father said.

I kept looking at my name , it was resting on top of Bakugo Katsuki with 67 villain points and 35 hero points. So Bakugo kid got 77 villain points , 0 hero points huh .. what a guy .. snorting I looked down some more . Third goes to .. Kirishima Ejiro.. why does that sound familiar.. 39 villain- and 35 hero points.. I'd say that evens out perfectly.. but Eijiro .. Kirishima .. the red hair I thought before coming back to reality..

"Wow , ya . Thanks , didn't think you were awake yet ."

"Yes , I must go congratulate young Midoriya soon but I had to praise my daughter first. You did wonderful kiddo" he said moving his hand to my head shaking the curls.

"Hey come on now, I just tamed it" I laughed moving his hand off of me. "So this is the costume sheet , I'm assuming ?"

"Yes, I already filled out the parent paperwork, you just need to do that, and initial under . Your uniform should arrive two days before . So that you have them for next week. You have the credit card I gave you so if you need anything- there will be no limit . " I sweat dropped at his ended phrase.

"Ah thanks, I'll keep that in mind. " I trailed off throwing my acceptance letter onto the table "I know you like to collect papers so I'll leave that there for you. Ima go do this now," I signaled to the paper still in my hand"and again thanks dad" I said turning around to hug him before rushing out the room.

  Yikes that was awkward .. now time to do this !

•All mights POV•

S-she ?? Hugged me ? My first child hug!!!
•Coda's pov•

Feeling accomplished I 'built' my costume and made it cute for Well my body I suppose. Then put the paper back in a envelope and sealed

Walking out my room , I made sure to throw the sealed letter on the counter next to the bills. I was humming to myself , twirling the end of my iPods head phones loudly singing to myself at this point. "Mirrors image- tells me it's on time~" looking towards the kitchen , I went inside and opened the freezer to be greeted with an almost empty fresher. "Ugh"

Of course, I forgot to go shopping .. yesterday I was so damn busy.

"Papa! I'm heading out for groceries, you still here ?"

"Huh oh yes ! Young daughter make sure to take your key and card . I'll be home late tonight. Be safe" the blondes head was hangin from the door way with a toothy smile. "And pick up some pocky for me- green tea please" he finished

Gagging to myself I shook my head "ew green tea, whatever anyways I'm gone! I have all my stuff .. love you be safe too !" I giggled hearing his stiff / startled reaction to the L word.


The sun was blazing but I didn't mind as my skin could probably use the glow. "Gotta!" I smirked happy with my GPS location of the nearest grocery store .

Well one thing good about living in the city is how close everything is. I'd say a mile is better than 15 any day. Shaking my thoughts away from my old life I straighten my face "I wonder where-" I was interrupted by a shoulder slamming against my own.

"Watch where your going you damn extra!" A boys voice yelled laced with venom.

That voice ..

"Oh snap ! I was right ! Hey fire for brains " I said smiling slapping my hands together - causing him to sling his face towards me .

"It's you!" He pointed aggressively at me "Coda ? Cora ? Bitch ? I don't know - but it's all the same! I still can't believe someone like you beat me" he muttered the last part to himself making me gawk.

"Your Bakugo- bakaugo some shit like that huh" I smirked as his face heated up.

"It's Bakugo bitch!"

"It's coda- bitch" I mocked back before walking past him "I gots to get groceries, sorry Bakugo-Kun.. I just have responsibilities "

"Uh like I care ! And just Bakugo ! " he groaned walking away "and I have responsibilities too bitch" he screamed stopping in his tracks gaining multiple peoples attention - making me scoff at his wild behavior

"Quiet down idiot !"

"What did you call me!" His blonde hair raised higher

"Baka your a retard ! Do you want everyone to look at you like - like some villain??"

"Huh" he looked around in confusion till he noticed the position we were in . A bigger angry boy yelling at a little girl. "Damn it .. I uhh" he rubbed the back of his head.

"Whatevaa hot head , seeee ya" I waved running towards the store. Knocking his shoulder in revenge ."boys" I muttered rolling my eyes. As he once again called out to me

"Hey wait up!"

"What you a stalker now too?" I joked

"What? Of course not! Who would stalk the likes of you." I rolled my eyes at his comment "flat chested-" my eyes twitched before I jumped around and kicked him through the air. He landed on his back and I bent over him . Leaning in close to his face

"Well this - is probably the closest you'll ever be to boobs considering that nasty attitude of yours !" I shouted digging my finger into his own chest "plus they aren't that flat , you damn cow!" I muttered wrapping my hands around my self. "Now I need to shop- J-E-R-K"

Boys truly are stupid.

End of chapter 6
/A.n: it was kinda a filler\

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