The first day pt. 2

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             "I turn my head up to the sky"
————————————————————————Chapter 8: The first day pt. 2

"It took eight seconds before you all shut up, that's not going to work. Time is precious rational students would know that.." said a black hair Haired man with blood shot eyes. "Whatever , anyways yo I'm our teacher.. Shoto Aizawa.. right let's get to it." Like a flip of a switch he pulled out a box with gym uniforms in it. "Put on one of these, then meet me outside." He said as he handed out the attire.

"I don't think this will fit mr Aizawa" said coda holding the jumper  to her body, showing the obvious difference. The teacher squinted at her.

"You think this is some beauty contest you need perfect fit for?"Coda's eyes went wide.

"N-no Sir! It's just that I don't want the pants to slip off if we are running.. I can deal with the pants part I'm sorry" she said red faced while bowing. Behind her the much taller blonde - Bakugo snorted a laugh at her submissive nature. Before she roughy gabbed her elbow into him. "Like I know that they are jumpers but look Sir , they'd sag and trip me.. "

"Ah- you bit-" he was cut off once again by mr Aizawa.

"I suppose you have a point , here's the smallest we have since a medium won't do.. though it looks small even for you" with a fake smile and a twitch of her left eye she caught the fabric with ease. "I suppose skin tight is better than tripping loose.." with a laugh he walked outside.

"Thanks.." she trailed off before running after the group of girls heading to the locker rooms.

"Hey, Mina right ?" Coda said catching up to a big pink girl. The girls black and yellow eyes turned to her and smiled brightly..

"Yeah ! Your Coda ? I didn't catcha last name but we can totally be friends since you know my first name !" The pink girl continued "yes already on a first name basis! Wow to new friendship" she said hip bumping the tiny girl making her fight to keep balance.

"Eh, yea?" Coda sweat dropped and looked to the brown headed girl who was just infont of them "who's the other girls Mina?" Coda whispered trying to get intel.

"Oh them" she said loudly before Coda put up a hush sigh to her lips.  "Ohhh you don't want them to know ?? That your asking ???" She whispered loudly " okay , well the brown headed girl , is super nice ! She has like levitation powers - her name is Uraraka or like that's what people call her" she said with a finger to her chin " oh , frog girl is Alittle strange but cool ! Super nice too like me she has a manifested body quirk.. while mines acid hers is like frog abilities. Her name is Tsuyu..  I only those two though because they are friends too , but there are three other of us girls. Momo I don't know we last name but like she comes from some rich family and makes things out of her body fat, Uh some invisible girl, and a girl with really weird earlobes." Kinda explained with a nod.

"Interesting" coda muttered to herself before opening the locker door "thanks Mina , now let's change, yeah?" With a nod they both went in and stood by one another. Most girls were changed talking to each other, but the brown headed girl by Mina and coda was struggling to zip her jumper. "H-here let me help" coda offered now only in her under garments. Struggling abit her self , the blonde managed to yank it up the rest of the way .

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