The Night Before

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Gabes POV

I didnt remember much last night. The only things I remembered was when I got really drunk, made out with Jack, and when his virginity wasn't coming back anytime soon. I had already done IT before with Jack in the old days. It was nice back then... oh right! Back to the present. I woke up in my bed. Wait, no, this is Jack's bunk. I looked to the side and saw my lover. Jack Morrison. The love of my life.

After waking up, everyone did their daily schedule, but of course I had to do a couple "meetings" with Jack at least every 2 days.

About an hour and a half later, we all had to go to a meeting. Half the people who got drunk and did some stuff were either in an awkward mood, or a nice and flirty mood- to their special one. The others who didnt participate in the party were confused on why the other half of people were whispering and doing cringey and/ or pick up lines. So after a while of talking about some stuff, Lucio asked "So uh... what happened last night?" I replied with "Half of us made out and some others did more than make out." Moira giggled. "WERE YOU ZHE ONE WHO SPIKED ZHE TEA AND SODA!?" Mercy pretty much screamed (yass Moira, mah girl). "It was very entertaining watching you drunks. I even got a video!" Hana spit out the Mountain Dew in her mouth and said "...Y-you'r kidding right? Right? She pulled out a little tape then let it roll. Here's how it went:

Groups who were making out:
Hana and Sombra
Mercy and Pharah
Baptiste and a coffee cup
Mei and Zarya
Roadhog and Junkrat
Zenyatta and Genji (Zenny is hooman)

Groups going to their room:
McCree and Hanzo
Me and Soldeir 76
(InuPerson and some tacos ;♡;)

After filming everybody Moira went to her room laughing with a bowl of cereal. The End. Half the room was "ooh"-ing, the other half was looking at eachother and/ or giggling too, while Jack was chasing Moira for filming everybody and bringing food to her room.

Y'know I might update in an hour, tomorrow, or in a week!

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