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Unusually, I couldn't find Vision. Normally, he could be found playing chess (usually against himself), or talking to Bruce or Thor, or trying on new sweaters (I really wished he wouldn't. They look absolutely dreadful on him). Today, however, I could not find him anywhere - the living area, his room, the corridors and building in general, the kitchen, the training room - I even tried the pool, although I know he hates water.

As I went upstairs to check the living quarters for what must have been the fiftieth time, I bumped into Steve, who looked as frustrated as I felt. He immediately apologised, in his polite Stevely way, but I assured him it was no trouble.

"Hey, Steve, you haven't seen Viz around here anywhere have you?" I asked, almost at the exact same moment he said,
"Hey, Wanda, you haven't seen Tony around here anywhere have you?"
"No," I laughed."Why?"
"He's missing," Steve said grimly, then shook his head and muttered, "Again."
"Oh my God, same!" I said, and we fell about laughing. It was nice to have friends - or at least Steve, because it seemed like nobody else was ever here - that you could say anything to and laugh, despite the fact that overall our job actually was really quite serious. In happier circumstances, I'd have Pietro, but some psychopathic demon-bot had prevented that.

"Boyfriends, eh?" Steve said, with a smile.
"Er, I don't really know," I said, with an awkward shrug. "I've never actually had one before."
"Oh, uh, me neither, actually..." Steve replied, and we stood there in an uncomfortable silence for a while. Ugh. What happened to being able to say anything to each other and just laugh? Me and my big mouth... I mean, internal voice, or whatever.

"Anyway, nice seeing you, Wanda," Steve said, clapping me awkwardly on the shoulder and stepping round me. "I'll tell Vision you were looking for him."
"Same here," I replied, then added with a laugh: "With Tony, I mean."
"Yeah. See you."

We continued our separate ways, me checking in all the unoccupied rooms, along with Vision's and mine, and Steve continuing his search for the walkabout Iron Man. After, again, finding the living quarters empty, I ventured downstairs into the yard. He wasn't there. He wasn't anywhere. So where was he?

With a sigh, I went and sat on one of the white stone benches Tony had insisted on having, and that had so reminded Thor of Asgard that he practically cried at the sight of them. It must be tough for him, having to constantly be so far from home. I know the feeling, and although Sokovia is only a different country, and I do have a happy life with good friends here, it may as well be a different world to the US. Asgard and Midgard. Sokovia and the USA. We both come from different worlds, Thor and I. Sometimes it's so hard.

I closed my eyes and just let the sounds of the garden wash over me: the occasional rustling of plants in the breeze, cars in the distance - a car not in the distance?

I opened my eyes and looked around - a black taxicab was approaching the facility, at an alarming speed and sending white gravel flying everywhere. It stopped abruptly, and a man fell out of the back seat. A pink man. In a sweater. Vision!

He took some money out of his pockets and handed it to the driver, who yelled some rather rude words at him, but Vision looked completely unfazed, just alight with a childlike interest. He turned towards the facility as the car sped off, and I immediately ran up to him.

"Viz!" I yelled. "Viz! Where have you been?"
He looked at me curiously and smiled. "Wanda!" He said. "There you are!"
"There I am?" I repeated incredulously. As if I was the one who had been missing, and he hadn't!
"Yes. You see, I was planning to take you to the hospital - you know, to visit your brother, Pietro - and it wasn't until I arrived at said hospital that I realised I had forgot to ask you to come with me."

"Oh, Viz," I cried, torn between that feeling of aww, how sweet, and oh, for God's sake, and getting stuck laughing at some point in the middle. I hugged him tightly, relieved that he was okay but at the same time mentally berating him. What an adorable idiot.

"Would you like to go to the hospital?" Vision asked, drawing away and looking down at me with a cocked head.
"Yes," I said, smiling. "I would. Very much."
"See, I was rather hoping you wouldn't say that," Vision said, sounding oddly disappointed.
"Why?" I asked.
"I need to order another taxi now, and they're really quite expensive, you know..."

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