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As Vision and I entered the hospital room, I barely registered Clint, curled up on the same chair he was always sat on, because Pietro was awake. My brother was back.

"Wanda!" He laughed, as I swooped in for a hug. I held him tightly, because there is no way I'm ever letting him go again. My brother. My brother. I could talk to him again, see him smile, hear him laugh. My brother, my brother, he's back, he's back...
"Oh my God, Pietro," I said now, drawing back and hitting him lightly on the shoulder with my fists. "You are in so. Much. Trouble when you get out of here. You idiot!"

He threw up his hands in shock and mock surrender at my expression, but it was his that really struck me. He didn't look teasing, or upset, or annoyed, which I could have dealt with, but afraid. My brother, who I'd always been with, all my life, through my darkest days and his, through all the pain and the upset, was afraid? Of me? The thought hurt more than the sharpest knife.

"Pietro..." I said quietly, bewildered and hurt. What was wrong with him? With me? Why was he afraid?
"Wanda..." Vision said quietly from behind me, where he stood hovering awkwardly by the doorway. "Look."
"Look? Look at what?" I snapped.
"Your hands..."

My hands? I glanced down at them: they were glowing red hot, and luminescent scarlet energy swirled in shimmering nimbi around them. I hadn't even realised. Why? This has never happened before. I've never lost control of my powers like this.
"Pietro, I'm - I'm sorry..." I stuttered, tears streaming down my face. I couldn't cry in front of him, not when he needed me to be strong. I fled the room before anyone could stop me.

Halfway out of the building - God, this hospital is huge. Why is it so huge? - an unexpected visitor materialised in front of me - sinking effortlessly through the ceiling and standing patiently in my way.
"Wanda, please be calm," Vision said.
"How? How, Viz?" I asked desperately. Even to my ears, my voice sounded pathetic. Weak. Vulnerable. Nothing like Nat's, even when she was upset. God, if I could be like her... "How can I be calm? I haven't got a clue what just happened up there. I didn't even notice what was happening! What if I hurt someone? What if I hurt you? Pietro?"
"You could never hurt me," Vision said gently, reaching out to tuck a strand of hair behind my ear. Ugh. Clearly his time as JARVIS had picked up that little romantic gesture from the internet. I hit his hand away impatiently.
"You and I both know that isn't true," I snapped, but my heart wasn't really in it. "I hurt Thor, for God's sake! Thor, God of Thunder. A literal God. If I can hurt him, Viz, I can hurt you."

Without further ado, I pushed past him and found my own way out of the hospital, and walked all the way back to the facility. By the time I arrived there, the sky had darkened to abendrot and my feet were aching as if I'd run a marathon. Lights were on all through the facility, so everybody else was probably already home. Probably talking about me. Probably talking about how crazy and weak and dangerous I was. Maybe I shouldn't go in. Go home. My home was Sokovia, but now it's here. I know that now. These are my friends, my family. Get a grip, Wanda, nothing's going to happen.

Not to me, at least.

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