- four -

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Louis' POV:

We got inside the venue. It had tables everywhere with white table cloths, then in the middle was a big dance floor and a DJ was on stage getting everything set up. There was a big disco ball too and colorful lights.

"do you like it?" he asked wrapping his arms around my waist as he stood behind me.

I laid my head back on his chest and he rested his in the crook my neck. "I love it" I said still looking around.

"good" he mumbled then placed a light kiss on my neck.

He practically planned the whole thing, the ceremony, the colors, the flowers, the cake, the...everything! the only thing I did was say yes and pick a tuxedo to wear.

Harry's POV:

people started coming in and taking seats at the tables, my mum and Robin came in and my mum instantly hugged Louis first, then she hugged her own son. "my 2 favorite boys together forever, don't lose this one Harry. he's a good one" she winked. She claims she knew I had a crush on Louis before I knew I had a crush on Louis, I didn't think it was that obvious I liked him.

Louis' POV:

We went and sat at the front table where the boys were sitting, and Lottie was talking to Niall, Fizzy was talking to Zayn, and the twins played with Liam.

We sat in the middle of everyone.

"What if Lot and Ni got married?" Harry asked

"I guess that be fine, she's my little sister and he's one of my best friends. But I'd be very protective" I said in a serious tone. He just laughed.

"babe, you're to cute to be intimidating" he chuckled taking my hand and lacing our fingers.

"What about if Gem and one of the boys got married?" I asked him

"it wouldn't happen, Gem said she wouldn't wanna date one of my friends and that it'd be weird"

"You never know" I said getting up.

"What are you doing?" he asked

"I'm starving" I said proceeding to walk.

I passed Niall, "Lou where you going?"

"to eat"

"You don't have to tell me twice" he said getting up, then everyone from our table followed me and Harry. then everyone else in the venue got in line.

* * * *

After eating, I noticed Harry smiling a lot at his lap.

I wasn't done yet, but Harry was. "babe, why are you smiling so much?" I asked facing him.

"just thinking" he said placing his hand on my knee like he always does, he rubbed it lightly with his thumb.

"about what?" I placed my hand over his.

"that this is actually happening, I'm married to the man of my dreams, I'm actually married to you, Lou" he smiled his eyes glistening.

he stood up getting the microphone sitting on the table.

he hit it a couple times and everyone looked our way.

"I haven't made a speech yet and I'm gonna try to be quick with it, here it goes." there was a short pause "We all know me and Lou have known each other forever, since before Pre-K. We were inseparable, we did everything together. Usually friends will be friends until middle school then just stop talking, not me and Lou. We made sure we were together every class because, he was my best friend. The years went by, and it was my 8th year and his sophomore year, he came to school crying. The night before he wouldn't answer my texts and I called him but he pressed deny every time, I was like 'ah shit what did I do know' sorry for the language. I asked what's wrong, he told me something that just broke my heart to hear him say, I knew how it felt to be in his situation so I felt terrible, he's older than me than when this happened to me, so it must be worst for him. I told him everything would be okay and I would be by his side every step of the way. then he told me that couldn't happen, I was so confused. he said he was moving, i asked if he was just moving somewhere else in Holmes Chapel, he said no. I asked if he was just moving to a city close by, and still come to Holmes. He said no. He finally told me he was moving out of the district, thinking I could see him everyday after school, but no. He moved across England. I was heart broken, because I thought he'd make a new best friend and forget about me. That never happened. A couple years went by and I decided to surprise him at his house and I didn't think I'd leave Doncaster that night dating my best friend, but I did. A couple breakups, a couple fights, and a lot of sex down the road." I can't believe he just said that! well, it is Harry I should've expected it. my cheeks got really hot "I found myself down on one knee proposing to my best friend, and here I am. Happily married with my best friend forever" he smiled down at me. he leaned down and lightly pecked my lips. "I love you Louis" he whispered in my ear

"I love you Harry" I smiled before kissing him again.

Everyone clapped and cheered.

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