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*6 weeks later*

Harry's POV:

Louis is in terrible condition. He never wants to do anything, he knows he's sick but he won't tell me he is. He always leaves during the middle of the night, he doesn't think I know but I know he does. Louis always needs help to walk because he is always so dizzy. I try to get him to eat but 1 out of every 5 times he denies the food. And when he does eat, he can't keep anything down.

* * * *

I woke up this morning with Louis not in bed, he's usually the one to sleep all day.

I pulled on sweatpants. Before I could say his name, I heard something in the bathroom.

I got closer to the bathroom and I noticed the sound was someone throwing up. The door was open and I saw Louis leaning over the toilet still vomiting.

"Oh my god" I bent down next to him and rubbed his back in circular motions. He stopped finally, "babe-"

"I promise Harry I'm fine, I just have a stomach bug" he made an excuse. He looked terrible.

"How long have you been in here?" I asked

"I came in here once, and puked, then I went back to bed, then I woke up again and puked them I fell asleep on the bathroom floor then I woke and puked"

"This is not just a stomach bug, babe"

"I just ate something bad" he said attempting to stand but he fell back down on his bum.

"Does your head still hurt?" I asked feeling his sweaty hit head

"No, I'm just a little dizzy" I helped him to his feet. He said nothing. I helped him out of the bathroom and he swatted me away and walked a couple feet down the stairs. Stumbling quite a bit them. He grabbed both the walls to try and keep himself up then he just collapsed.

* * * *

I waited in the waiting room for Louis. The doctor came out, I rushed to him.

"Harry is it?" He asked

"Yes what happened?"

"Louis was really dehydrated, and lacked nutrition in his body making him dizzy" he paused "he also has a broken femur, I could show you the x-Rays?" He offered

I nodded.

I followed the doctor back to a room. He turned off the lights and put the x-rays up to a light on the wall. "This is his right leg" I didn't see anything wrong with it.

"And this is his left leg"

"Holy shit" it slipped, "sorry, I just-"

"Didn't think falling down the stairs could do this? We get that everytime"

"Is he gonna be alright?"

"Of course, he just has to have a cast for about 2 months with 2 week check ups, and if it's healing by then we might give him a boot, but if we see no improvement, he'll have to have surgery."

"Alright" I said "does he have to stay the night, or can he come home?" I asked standing up as the doctor turned on the lights

"He can go home tonight, I got a nurse with him getting him ready to go home" the doctor said with a slight smile

"Thanks doctor" I said and shook his hand and we both left the room. I walked to the waiting room and Louis was waiting for me.

When he saw me, he headed for the doors.

What's his problem?

I finally caught up to him, who knew you could move so fast in crutches?

"Lou!" He ignored me

i will love you till the end of time (larry mpreg)Where stories live. Discover now