Chapter 10

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Louis' POV:

I locked myself in the bathroom.

I paced back and forth and then I finally just collapsed and cried.

After what felt like forever, I looked up and I didn't hesitate to grab it.

I pulled out one blade cutting my fingers, but I didn't care.

I took a deep breath and pushed the metal into my skin. I pushed down harder till I broke skin and blood spilled out, but I kept pressing and I wanted to scream because I hated my life and because the pain was worse than what my stomach felt like this morning.

I pulled out the blade and I didn't stop bleeding, so I cut again I scrapped it across my skin multiple times leaving little cuts but some deeper than others.

I almost screamed because I haven't heard harry come in the apartment yet. But then I heard the front door fly open and seconds later I heard the door nob jiggle and a hard bang on the bathroom door

"Louis!" He was crying and sound worried and mad all at the same time

"Louis! Oh my god! Louis! Babe! I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'm sorry! Just please open the door!" Guilt rushed over his voice, but he was still worried and bawling.

"Lou" he said, I barely heard him.

I heard him slide down the door and he started to cry uncontrollably

I sniffled from my crying and he must've heard.

"Lou? Babe? Please open the door" he begged

"No" because he'd be ashamed of what he saw

"Will slide out all the razors?" He asked

I grabbed the 2 from the shower, one from the counter and spare one I kept in my drawer that he doesn't know about-it's new and I haven't used it-so he wouldn't know I used a razor.

I slid the 4 razors under the door.

"We don't have these ones, and it's brand new"

He hesitated and so did i

"Wh-Where is it Lou?" He sounded extremely calm but his voice scratchy from crying

I slid it under

I heard sniffling.

"It's missing a blade" he stated

I sat back and cried. I just fell apart because I've been caught.

"Can I have it?" He slid his hand under the door and I cleaned off the blade and gave it to him.

He pulled his hand out.

"Have you used it?" He asked

"No" I croaked

"Okay" is all he said then he didn't talk for a while.

It was quiet for a long time. I just cried. My arm on fire, it stung so bad but I deserved it.

"I-I don't see how this soothes you?" I heard him stutter

I jumped up and struggled to unlock the door. I saw Harry sitting in front of me. His arms with a couple big cuts. He looked up at me with his eyes blood shot.

"Why?" is all I said

"I could ask you the same?"

"You know why" I stated

"You won't tell me!" Oh yeah, I was gonna but I didn't

"You don't wanna know"

"Louis! I wanna know everything about you. I wanna know about your past, I thought I knew everything since we grew up together. Is there something I don't know when you moved to Doncaster?"

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