Chapter 7

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Louis' POV:

*1 week later*

I woke up once again feeling sick. I ran to the bathroom (yes, my foot in pain) and vomited everything inside me. I flushed the toilet and sat back on the floor.

I was shaking so badly. I knew harry didn't hear me, because he's a heavy sleeper. And he just started going back to work, I can't ruin it and stop him from going.

So I got up and rinsed my mouth with water. I hopped back to bed

"Where were you babe?" Harry said wrapping his arms around me as I got back in

"Needed some water" I simply said trying to hide my scratchy voice and my pain.

"Alright" he said with his morning voice. He has to get up in an hour to go to work. so we fell back asleep.

* * * *

I woke up again and it was almost noon.

But I felt sick again.

This time I grabbed my crutches and crutched my way to the bathroom to puke again, but it was stomach acid instead of food so it only made me feel more sick.

Harry was gone, at work. I looked at myself in the mirror and I lifted my shirt and looked at my stomach to see if you can see my bones yet.


How in the bloody hell am I fat?!

I'm not skinny, I don't just not have abs, I am fat. My stomach i sticking out, you can see my stomach bulge from my shirt. How?! I hardly ever eat, if I do it's a couple bites per day, because I feel sick every time I eat!

I panicked, how?

I went back to our room. And pulled on a sweatshirt and sweatpants then I went downstairs. I laid on the couch with a blanket with my phone. And waited, I waited for Harry to get home.

* * * *

It was almost 4 and Harry should be home soon since his recording studio is a couple blocks away.

Around 4:30 Harry came home.

"Hey babe" he came over and kissed my lips.

"Hi" I tried not to sound depressed but I failed

"What's wrong?" He asked with sympathy clear in his voice


"Babe, I know you something's wrong"

"Harry! Nothing is wrong!" I yelled


"Nothing is wrong with me! Okay?! I'm perfectly fine!" I said then started to cry

He whipped my tears away.

"Babe you can tell me" he lightly rubbed my thigh. But I pulled my leg away, I didn't want him to feel my fat squishy thigh. He knew what was wrong because he started crying too. "Please babe, you're perfect" he said and took my hand in his and held it.

"No I'm not" I barely got out because I was crying really hard


"Tell me one good thing about me?" I said


"Except for my fat thighs, fat stomach, fat everything, I'm fucking ugly" I cried

"No you're not, I didn't fall in love with you because of your body. I fell in love with you because of everything else"

I stayed silent

"Like your beautiful ocean blue eyes, you smile that makes me smile and how your eyes crinkle at the ends when you smile. The way you make me feel like a little kid again when you're being funny. When ever I've had a stressful day at work I can always count on you to cheer me up. And how you are in bed, made me fall head over heels for you" he joked, well I thought. I smiled at that statement "there's that smile" I smiled bigger and so did he before I felt him connect his lips with mine, it was simple and sweet but he started moving his lips and it started getting heated. He pulled me onto his lap and straddled me. All the pain went away and it was just me and Harry and the clothes in between us. I started pulling at his hair. Making him moan. He ran his hands up and down my thighs. I felt uncomfortable because of how his hands felt. They would squeeze my thighs and it made me feel fat. I tried to kinda sit and make him stop but he pulled me back up. "No, babe your perfect don't let anyone tell you different" he stared deep into my eyes, but I looked away. "And I'm gonna prove it to you" he said then slipped his hands up my shirt. His hands were so cold and my body was so hot. He grasped my sides that where fat, girls call them their love handles, I just call them extra fat. I went to move his hands but he just held me tighter.

"Babe" I whined

"Louis, you are perfect you need to stop bullying yourself. You are not fat, you're not the skinniest person ever, and who cares if you don't have abs, I don't care if you have abs. I don't have abs" bull shit, yeah he does "just please, I don't wanna go through this again with you, last time it went to far, I almost lost you" he started crying. I whipped his tears away. "Can I please do this?" He asked

I nodded.

He pulled off my sweatshirt along with my shirt. He just stared at my chest. I went to fold my arms but he held my hands back

"Beautiful" is all he said.

He laid me down and hovered over me. He took off his shirt and his necklaces laid on his chest. He hovered over me and the cold metal of his paper airplane and his cross tickled my neck. I kinda chuckled. Which made him smile

"There's that smile I missed" he kissed me roughly.

"Lou, I love you so much"

"I love you too Haz, more than you can ever imagine"

We both soon ended up naked, I was still on the bottom.

Harry kissed me down my neck leaving love bites along my collar bone. He proceeded down my body and kissed me everywhere around my stomach. He went down further and kissed my throbbing length. I groaned because it made me want him even more

"H-Haz" I moaned

"What baby?" He said huskily

"I-I need you" I stuttered

"I don't understand baby?" He said jokingly with a smirk on his face

"I need you inside me Harry Styles" I stated

He spread my legs and he pushed them to my chest. He inserted 2 fingers inside me and I moaned loudly tangling my fingers in his hair. He took my length in his mouth as his fingers were still inside me. I felt so much pleasure. "Oh god Haz, baby" I moaned. His fingers curled inside me, hitting my prostrate. I bucked my hips and I felt myself hit the back of his throat. He hollowed his cheeks and slowly pulled off of me. His fingers stayed inside me. I started to tighten around his fingers. He pulled out and I felt empty.

He flipped us so I was on top. I felt self conscious because I'd be hovering over him. "Baby, I want you so bad" he said in a seductive tone

"But Haz-" he stopped me

"Stop being so self conscious, you're perfect Louis. Nothing matters right know. All that matters is you and me. Not my body, not your body, nothing. Just you and me." The entire time he just stared into my eyes.

I nodded.

When Harry gets turned on he completely changes. If he gets turned on he is determined to have sex, nothing will stop him. We once "did it" in his mum's bathroom because he was too eager and couldn't control his little friend.

*I don't know how to end this so this is the end of this chapter*

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