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[plan pov]

its about 8am and we decided to leave early so i could spend more time with mean, of course it wasn't entirely my idea cause we all know jasmine was the one suggesting it because of obvious reasons.

first we headed home to my place to pack some stuff and i simply told mom i'd hang out with a 'friend' cause i trusted jasmine that she'd talk it through with mom. and i know mom wouldn't mind, but still actually hate the fact that i'm together with a boy, but jasmine would not stop fighting until she wins. she's always been that kind of person.

"done packing?" jasmine popped in my room.

"yeah i think so" i grabbed my bag and walked downstairs together with jasmine. mom was waiting at the door to say goodbye .

"have fun" she said smiling and then we left the house.

she wouldn't say that if she knew what mean was to me.

"heard there's gonna be some traffic, tell mean we're maybe gonna be late" jasmine said starting the car

i was planning on calling him anyway, but not for long because my sister is here and it would be awkward if the conversation got deep.

"i'm gonna call him so you better be quiet!!" i said before pressing the 'call' button. i know mean is awake now, and probably has been  for a while waiting for me to text or call .

"put on the speaker or i'm NEVER gonna be quiet!" she threatened .

"fine!!! but then you don't have to go talk to mean when we arrive okay?"


plan is calling*

"hey mean"

"hi, you on your way? "
"i mean, good morning "

i let out a small giggle at his cute behaviour, seemed like he couldn't decide what to say first.
jasmine looked like she would cry anytime soon.
she's really weird..

"good morning to you too,"
"and yes, we are on our way, but there may be some traffic so it can take time "

"oh, take your time and be careful"

"we will"
"sorry but can we text instead?"

"you don't want your sister to hear don't you"

"of course!! she's crazy"

mean laughed.

"tell your sister i said hi"

"she doesn't deserve it"
"bye mean!!"


call ended*

"did you have to yell!?" i mean i guess i started it. but she promised to be quiet!

"you started it!!"
"who the hell says that to their sister who gives them a 2 hour ride to their boyfriend?? huh!! better pay me a lunch after this" she argued. did i mention it was impossible to win over her.

"fine" i mumbled knowing that she was right, and that i would have to pay her a lunch no matter what.
not my poor money!  i don't like wasting money on food or stuff like that, i usually get my friends to pay food for me because they love me so much.  but i'd never spend anything on them because im that kind of person, my friends knows that but they still buy for me cause they still love me

i ended up texting mean for an hour and fell asleep for two hours. the ride took longer than it would have if it wasn't for the traffic.
but oh well, here i am seconds away from meeting my boyfriend for the first time in like a year!
how i ended up falling in love? no idea! i just felt that thing people describes... butterflies!
stupid as i was didn't realise it, and i didn't actually  wanted to believe i was gay. but my feelings were stronger than my words.

jasmine parked the car right at the house. his house was so big!  but i mean, what did i expect for someone who's rich?
as excited i was, i was also scared. i haven't had any relationship like this before so what should i do? hug? hold hands? or will he even kiss me!!? whatever it is i'm not ready for it

"what are you waiting for go!" jasmine pushed me out of my seat. i quickly grabbed my bag and slowly walked towards the house.
jasmine was sitting proud in her car waiting for mean to go out and meet me.

and he did.

he opened the door, saw me and ran to me.
i don't really know why i didn't say anything, i was just standing there.
but mean smiled and pulled me into a big tight hug.

[jasmine pov]

they hugged!!! oh my oh my!!
i need to take a picture of this!!! mark HAVE to see this !!

i pulled my phone out and zoomed in taking at least a hundred of photos before mean broke the hug again.

so cute !! so cute!!

[plan pov]

mean broke the hug and i could finally get the courage to say something.

"missed you"
instead of saying something as 'hi' all that i could say was 'i missed you' why did i say that??? a 'hi' could have been good enough, i'm so cheesy!! only mean can make me go crazy like this.

"i missed you too" he smiled and kissed my forehead. boom, my heart wanted to pop out.

"was this the special moment you were talking about" i asked as i saw him smiling constantly.

"you may be dumb, but you remember things well"
he said as he took my bag and together started to walk towards the door.

"are you already insulting me!" i love having this kind of relationship, where we can joke, but still love each other.

this is going to be my best two days ever.

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