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(plan pov)

"was he on his way?" mom asked as she walked around crazily cleaned the house after jasmine told mom mean was a rich and polite man.
of course she wanted to impress a man such as mean.

"yeah he is on his way" i replied and the next second the door opened and jasmine popped in with mark.

"look who's here!" she spun around smiling.

"mooom!!! does she have to be here when mean comes over?!" i can't believe that JASMINE is going to be here! i'm gonna be soooo embarrassed.
mark is fine but jasmine ughhh!! she's gonna talk and talk all the time.

"she's you're sister try to be more nice plan" mom said and mark laughed.

"maaark~!" since mom wasn't to any help i turned myself to my only hope left.
"take her away!"

"i can't " he said smiling awkwardly, jasmine was the queen of their relationship mark would do anything for her.
"but i'll try to keep her quiet " mark mumbled and winked at me with his left eye.

jasmine was ready to fight but mom interrupted.

"kids! don't fight, help me clean the house" mom said as if the house hadn't been cleaned in years.

"mom it's already clean?" i said sighing.

"mark lets go buy stuff for the dinner" i said taking his arm and walking out.
i'm done being in the house with jasmine , i need a break with mark and i guess he also does.

"how can you bare living with jas?!! she's so annoying" i said as we were walking to the closest grocery shop.

"i love her"
"and love has a strong power," he said smiling proudly as if he has said something smart.

i shook my head.

after buying ingredients to the food we went straight back home. i had fun talking to mark and it was great leaving the house for a while.
i guess it's almost time for mean to come.
i was excited! i even put his hoodie on me and it still smelled mean since i hadn't used it that much cause i was afraid his scent would fade away

"mom?" i shouted waiting for an answer from her.


" mean says he's here in five minutes, are you done?!" earlier jasmine and mom went upstairs to fix themselves and get ready, but it has been more than a half hour and i and mark was alone watching tv .

"almost!!" jasmine yells instead of mom.

after some while they got back downstairs again and mom wore her finest clothes she had.
i was going to comment on how they didn't have to put on so beautiful clothes but in that second knocks from the door were heard.

"he's here!!" jasmine said happily.

i went to open the door and was greeted by a big tight hug from mean. i missed him, i really did. drowning in his scent and warmth was like heaven for me.

"so cuteeeeeee" jasmine commented squeezing marks arm .
i could hear him trying to get her quiet but i didn't mind since my focus was only on mean.

"i'm mean, nice to meet you" he politely greeted my mom and then said hi to jasmine and mark as they already have seen him.

we all made our way to the kitchen.

"mean is a really good cooker mom! he made me a lot of food when i was at his house once" i felt the need to brag about how good his cooking was cause it really was.
mean let out a small chuckle

"that's good, you need someone who won't let your tummy go hungry all day. after all you have a big appetite" mom laughed

everyone started eating and we actually had a lovely conversation, mom seemed to really like mean and jasmine so far hadn't said anything embarrassing.
but then mean cleared his throat as he was about to say something.
he looked at mom and said;
"would you please allow plan to move in with me?"

mom was surprised but someone who was even MORE surprised was me!!!!!! the conversation we had earlier??? who thought it would turn out to happen THIS soon.

pretty sure my jaw was down to the floor because it was a loooong way back up when i had to close it. the first one to scream out of happiness was jasmine. of course.

"w-what !!!"
what was i supposed to say??

"i found a house not far from here, if you'd let plan move in with me i'll buy it right away"

"ahah well...."mom laughed shyly while thinking of an respond.
"as long as i know you take care of him, i'd gladly let him stay with you" she said smiling. i think my mom realised herself that our relationship was very serious and wasn't going to break soon.

"yay!!" jasmine clapped her hands but mark just tried to make her stop.

"thank you. i'll take care of him good" mean smiled proudly as he glanced at me.
he took my hand under the table and squeezed it .
even though it came as a shock i'm glad i'm moving in with the love of my life. who'd ever think someone like me would end up with someone like that?
i'm not that handsome and definitely not popular. it's like i won the lottery.

having fun and all the time eventually almost ran out. we had just been outside eating ice cream and now we were up on my room talking.
i was sitting on the bed with mean beside me.

"are you sure you want to move in with me?" i asked. after all i'm quite annoying, i have many soccer games to play, i hang out with friends a lot and i want to eat food all the time. would he be able to keep up with me?

"if i wasn't this sure i'd never ask" he said

"you know i could be quite annoying sometimes ?? i also hang out with friends a lot a lot!! and i need foo-" he cut me right off my kissing me and i'm sure we kissed for quite a while because i was out of breath.

not gonna lie,,, he's good at kissing

"you know i love you no matter what"he said and patted me on my head.
he then suddenly got up and went to his bag grabbing some clothing. it was a hoddie.

"here. as i promised" the happiness in me could not be described.

"your hoodies are really comfortable "i said whole taking my shirt of to take the hoodie on.

"i don't have abs like you okay" i felt the need to say it because i could feel mean staring at me—or more like my naked upper body.

he laughed and hugged me tightly.

"once i get home i'll fix the papers and buy our house and then we are ready to move in" he said smiling softly.
"but you'll have to learn how to cook, what if i'm not home and you starve because you can't cook"

"ahah....eh..well. i'll wait for you to come home and cook for me!!" i said laughing.

he kissed my nose .

ok so i started school and still forgot to edit the last few chapters oopsss but there'll be like 2 more chapter and then that's the end bc i'm way too lazy to keep going and i suck at writing hsjdjd  please bare with me taking so long :((((((

there's probably not much people reading this anyway ahah

y'all could go read my taynew ff instead cause yk that was more successful than this hah

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