Sugary-Sweet Voice

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Name: Dylan Wayne

Age: 19

Birthdate: July 3

Height: 5'11

Eye colour: Grey

Body: Lean

Occupation: Student; Secretly works as a famous voice actor in any genre but leans more on heavily erotic animations(wink wonk //shot.). His pseudonym is Bruce Lancelot(bl-- //shot)

Sexuality: Bi-sexual

Specie: Human

Relationship: None

Hobbies: He likes reading and listening to music.

Personality: Dylan sticks mostly to himself. He's seen as a quiet, no-nonsense type of person by his peers, keeping most of them away from him. Him being one of the top ranking students makes him seem more daunting to the "common" people.

The ravenette does get teased a lot by his friends about his last name. It doesn't help that he's also filthy rich. A lot of people question him why he's even studying at a "commoner's" school like the one he's attending at yet they never really voiced the question with their usual aversion to the surprisingly popular male.

Dylan is a pretty chill guy when you get to know him. Sarcastic at times but a good-heart. Now, what a lot of people(A. K. A. no one) doesn't know, is that he has a secret job that he does in a spare room at his own house, and that's being a voice actor. Not just any voice actor, a famous one to boot. He became quickly famous with how full of life his voice was, the emotion flowing through and making the animations come to life. No one really knows of his work, not his parents, friends--no one. He has his trust work room which comprised of a small room with soundproof walls and recording equipment and his trusty computer.

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