Chapter 19- "Never Mind."

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Chapter 19- "Never mind

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Chapter 19- "Never mind."

To be honest, I was completely fine with Gaurav and Mira hanging out. I mean, both of them are my friends and it would provide me a lot of happiness and calm if my best friend actually liked my other friend.

Also, their having a relationship wouldn't affect me much, albeit it would definitely make things awkward. Them being cheesy and head over heels and me just sitting there alone and- wait! Rhea could join me when I'm teasing them!

I shook my head, smiling. Things sure do work themselves out well.

"Hey, you here with us?" Gaurav tapped my shoulder.

I raised my eyebrows, being shaken out of my reflection. "Yes. Yes, I am here. Go on, what was the super special plan you came up with?" I said and made air quotes around the word super.

"Yes of course. Come on Rhea, let's present this together." Gaurav beckoned Rhea forward. We all turned towards Rhea, smiles on our faces.

But Rhea stood there, frozen and unyielding. She stared right ahead, the hazel specks in her eyes turning darker by the second. Her fingers curled into fists and her form stiffened.

My brows furrowed. This was the first time Rhea was behaving clamped up. A few minutes ago, she was completely fine. She even laughed at some of my crappy jokes and shares some of her own in exchange. The transition was remarkably odd unless-

"Why don't you and Mira tell us? I'm sure you must have told her everything on your way here. And by the looks of it, I bet she does know. A lot."

Instinctively, my eyes skipped over to Mira. I could see the jab hurt in all the right places. She turned white and then a furious shade of red. Her wide eyes shrunk to the point, that they became slits.

Her lips trembled as she walked forward, grabbed Rhea's hand and said, "We need to have a little chat. Alone." She started to pull her out when I stepped up.

"Umm we'll leave. Uh the trailer is all yours. G-Gaurav, let's give them a moment." I said and began pushing a gaping Gaurav out.

"I appreciate it, than-" Mira was cut off by Rhea, who spoke in a high, clear note. "We appreciate your consideration, Raghav, but I think it best to have you two here as well. After all, this isn't only about us, is it Mira?"

Mira's eyes steeled but she let it slide. "Never mind." She let out a deep breath and started speaking, "I'll cut straight to the point since beating about the bush isn't going to help. What is this about Rhea? I've known you all my life and never have I ever seen you this hateful. What is wrong with you?"

Rhea let out a chuckle. "Wrong? With me? Or with you, Mira? Did you even check your phone last night? 33 unanswered messages and 21 unpicked calls! Where are you when I need you? Oh, you are hanging out with a guy you hated and now suddenly seem to love him for god knows what reason because I, place my bet on publicity, while also being the centre of attraction for someone I like! Don't look so shocked, you would've known if you had answered your goddamn phone!"

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