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/you, yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe

deserve your love.../


It’s walking slowly at first. I mind my distance, keeping my footsteps as silent as possible. It’s something I’ve always been good at, sneaking around the orphanage and –

No! I tell myself. Focus.

He turns back once or twice, but I hide myself behind the trees that grace the sidewalks. But I know he can feel me following him. The thought frightens me, because I don’t know what he’s going to do.

He keeps walking until he takes a dark corner. I would never have noticed it if I was walking in sunlight. A shiver spirals down my back as my legs turn in the same direction – despite heavy protests from my head. There’s a voice telling me it’s a bad idea, but my body seems to like that. I’m now walking through a dark alleyway until it suddenly bursts open, and there stands in front of me what looks like an old, abandoned train station. Right there is a deserted train, still on the old metal tracks it used to ride on. It’s rusty and old, but it seems endless, stretching for miles leftwards.

“I knew someone was following me,” a voice comes from beside me. I jump back, but no sound escapes my mouth. The only light around is that from a flickering street lamp across from the tracks, so I still can’t make out his features.

“Jason.” He says. He doesn’t stretch his hand out to greet me. Rather, he stares at me slowly, studying every detail of my body. I suddenly feel self-conscious in my stupid coloured clothes.

“Lilac.” I say, trying to keep my cool, which proves to be rather difficult.

“I’m warning you,” Jason smirks, “Follow me at your own risk. Where you’re going…there’s no turning back, baby!” he snorts, and then steps forward to enter the deserted train.

“Where are you going?” I ask.

“Are you brave enough to find out?” I feel the arrogance in his voice, then he disappears behind the steel walls of the train. Quickly, I jump into the vehicle and follow him. It’s dark inside, but my eyes are now used to the darkness. I trudge on, as fast as I can, in sync with his footsteps. He’s not running, but he’s not plodding either. It’s as if he does want me to come. I continue to pursue this force that seems to compel me in this direction. My heart is racing. I love it.

Jason suddenly stops. He looks at me in the darkness, and I stare back.

“You ready, kiddo?” he asks. I say nothing.

He bends forward, gripping his hand on something that turns out to be a trap door. It finally comes open.

He looks at me. “Go.”

I obey without question. I slowly set my bum onto the ground just before the door, dangling my legs in the hole to see if I can find any solid ground.

“Just go. It’s a small jump.”

One, two, three. I let myself fall. Soon enough, I hit the ground hard on my knees.

“Move over, I don’t want to land on you.” Jason’s voice says, and he arrives. The light is still dim down here, but I can begin to see one thing about him: he has dark eyes.

“Lilac,” he whispers, but he’s not talking to me.

He starts a brisk walk, and I assume he means for me to do the same. He then looks at me again. I breath slowly, not sure where this is going. Until a light goes on, and I’m speechless.

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