♡authors note♡

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hello readers! you've finally reached the end of a brief inquiry into online relationships, and i hope that it as much fun to read as it was to write. i am so incredibly blown away by the love and support you've given me on this book, it means more to me than you can believe.

there's something important that i need to share with you all, i felt that it would make you better understand me not only as a writer, but a person.

daisy's story is incredibly similar to my own. the only things being different is our age, our names, our appearance, and a bunch of other little things that make her unique as a character. i wanted to write about the things that i've experienced in a way that didn't sound self centered or autobiographical. i also live with cerebral palsy, and have been through the same exact surgery that daisy has. it was one of the most stressful yet eye opening experiences of my life, and i don't regret it even for a moment. i still think about it every day. there was a time soon after it happened where every time i laid down, i would immediately be brought back to that hospital bed again. tired and overwhelmed and scared. i can still faintly smell the unmistakable scent of the medicine flowing through my iv, and the baby wipes that the nurses would use to clean me up since i couldn't get up and shower myself.

but i still did it, and it still helped. that's why not only this character, but this book is so important to me. the reason why it's a twenty one pilots fanfiction, is because i had the same experience with tyler and josh's music that daisy has right after she gets out of surgery. my surgery took place in columbus, ohio at nationwide children's hospital. the nurse that i had in the wake up room after surgery put on "guns for hands", to make me feel better. she sang every word with me.

this band changed my life.

so not only is this book dedicated to everyone that struggles with chronic illness or disability, it is dedicated to them. they pulled me out of my own head when i couldn't do it myself, they were there with me in that hospital when i thought i couldn't do it anymore, and they don't even know who i am. that's how much they help people, and they don't even realize it.

i love all of you, and thank you for not only reading the story of daisy, but the story of me too. i hope it at least made you feel something.

 i hope it at least made you feel something

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