Team Fungi

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"Teleportation with items. Good thinking Knox." Mercyx spoke.

"Yeah, I didn't know you've mastered your aiming and magics!" Polly added admiring her brother ability.

"Well, I learn my aiming from Ochoa. You know how good cowboys are amazing with aiming since born so I educated with the best." Knox replied as Mercyx slowly clapping behind Knox back.

"You made me proud little Crystalians." Mercyx spoke.

As Mercyx spoke that, a Crystalians walk to Mercyx.
He was wearing a light green suit like formal and dark green trouser, he had a skull from an elephant and paint in pink and red, the gem he has as his horn or elephant tooth are topaz. And another was a girl who wearing a red dress and have a dark wings, she had a skull or a rat and random shape horn made with a ruby gems.

"Hey! Mer-mer! What happened? I have missed things!" Yelled the elephant skull. Jako

"Brother your language broke." Spoke the rat skull. Maria

"Hello Maria and Jako. How was everybody? Also Knox just do something with his magic and we were just admiring it." Mercyx replied as Polly gave a thumb up next to Knox.

"Hmm, Dusk was flying around the sky, finding something. Ochoa was helping Rune with his pet animal called shgs."
( shgs stand for skinny horse + goblins shark hybrid animal )
Spoke Jako with a disgust on the last sentence.

"Yeah, I could see but I don't know why Rune could find pretty in that thing. Ew." Polly added with the replied.

"Don't judge the animal beauty from nature. And how about Bloodworth? What's she doing?" Knox asked.

"She's going to the Hollow Ocean country to find the lighters. We heard that there's another lighter come down here." Maria replied and Jako nodded.

"So what are we going to do today? Team Fungi." Mercyx asked.

"Walk and talk? We already cause chaos to the other city yesterday. You should see the face of the news reporter on that city! He was so mad!" Laugh Maria and Polly join in the laugh.

"True, true. Hey! I almost forgot! Knox is still a nerd for magic spell books!" Polly spoke loudly for others to hear. Knox face palm.

"Polly, for the 6th times. I need to know magic, only know ability/talents/and combat is not good enough to be the best grim like our father." Knox argued back.

"You mean sir.Cadeux? Yeah, I understand that Knox but we are still young. And to have a work by our lord like that require an age like 1000 or more that that. Were just more than 300 years old. We got time." Jako replied and Polly agreed.

"For now, since were young. Let enjoy life as much as we can until a job like that hit us!" Maria said and Mercyx agreed with Maria.

Knox just look at his friends and nodded.
"Alright, I'll play with you but you must help me with that one magic I've been struggle with." Knox requested as other chuckle.

"Sure Knox. Bloodworth and Maria will do that." Mercyx replied and gave Knox a patted on Knox head like a puppy.
"And sure, Rune will be willingly too!" Polly added.

"What's wrong with Rune all times?" Knox asked Polly.

"Oh I don't know. He seem sketchy all times." Polly replied.

The group then walk around the old park where a children Crystalians would come and play around. But the population are getting low due to the elimination from the lord because he wanted the best Crystalians in this Void country only.
The group just walk around and play around the play ground a bit. Catching bugs and souls, and even fight each other for fun. Until a Crystalians with a skull of a bull, horns gems are topaz, clothing like cowboys wear and a giant orange scarf came with a girl that has a skull of a snake and a horn of a ram, horns are made out of snake skin gem.

"Hello, hope we're not late on doing something crazy team!" Yelled Ochoa. The bull skull.

"Apparently we aren't doing anything much today. Just relax and help Knox with his nerd stuff." Replied Polly, the other chuckle from it and Knox pout.

"It not nerd, to be exact fact of my theories for reason on learning more magics and ability to become powerful to be the alpha of all the groups and be the greater example for others Crystalians who are in the area." Knox tried to explain but the other just laugh and so does Ochoa and Bloodworth.

"Oh Knox, you're the youngest and the shortest in this group. And there's more time for you to prepared! You're just 315 years old and to have a job like a warrior like all of Crystalians are should be more than 1000 years old and very experience!" Ochoa replied to Knox, trying not to laugh more.

"Well since you said you want to be superior. Then how about show us one of your best power or magic, then we'll discussed about you becoming a leader." Bloodworth challenge Knox on a magic battle, the other stop laughing and gave an expression of shocked.

"Woah hey, Bloody. Let calm down and do something-" Bloodworth summon her axe and put it in front of Jako for him to shut up.

"Silence now peasant. He asked for it to be a superior." Bloodworth growl under her skull as the others step back.

"Bloodworth. Please, you're like... 60 years apart from Knox and it will be unfair." Polly tried to explain, hoping to calm down but it no Vail.
Bloodworth already performed her best moves she know. She summon a crystal ice color in pink, she then throw in the air and swing her axe. So fast by swinging that it send out a magic that shoot out of the tip of her battle axe and hit the crystal. The crystal then shattered and spread the pieces floating in the air. They then formed a large heart shape. All of the Crystalians from the group knew and take cover by summoning a shield and cover their head. Bloodworth leap and swing her battle axe once more and hit the crystal heart that exploded. Sending the shards goes everywhere in places and stabbed the ground and wood from the trees or anything near by. The Crystalians that under the shield are safe from their protection.

"Knox!! Are you okay?! You're not under the shield!" Yelled Polly to her little brother.
Knox just stand there still standing still like normal but with his small scythe on both of his hand and on the bottom end of the scythe are attached with chains. Knox looked up and glare at Bloodworth.

The others just stare at Knox in amazed on how he was still standing and unscratched or damaged by that attacked by the shards that are sharp as glass.

"Knox, how did you still standing and unharmed by that attack?" Asked Ochoa as he poke his head out of the shield and look at Knox with concerned.

"I just hit the shards away."

Unforgiveness ‡ The Void ‡ No.1Where stories live. Discover now