Second Round - Meteror

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"Knox! What in the crystal was that?!" Mercyx yelled at Knox and Knox just sigh.

"I couldn't keep my temper Mer. He was the one who hurt Polly." Knox replied. Looking at the floor, waiting.

"Well what ever that was, thanks stars that the lord didn't eliminate you!" Bloodworth yelled and growl.

"Well, at least we all make it alive right?" Maria asked.
Then there was a sound of a loud bang from a canon, all the Crystalians heard it through the door where they in the white room.

"Say that again?" Bloodworth asked, looking disappointed.

"5 deaths already in one round..." Mercyx mumbled.

"Wait... Who were in there round? Is it Kay? That stranger?" Knox asked.

"No... It Ochoa!" Jako yelled looking at the door and opened it.
It was Ochoa...
Ochoa was laying on the ground with light shine around him, the blood of golden yellow spilled through his cracked head. The team stood and watch their friend got carried away to somewhere by the guards.

"W-why?! He was very talent!" Mace scream and start banging on the wall.

"He was amazing with aiming! Animals! And even with ropes!" Mercyx joined in and using his hoves and kicked the wall, leaving a giant cracks. Knox just look down on the floor, pupiless and speechless.

"First round, had been a wonder am I right audiences?" Yelled the voice from lord Obel.
And the crowds cheers with full power of their lungs in excitement.

"Now let the round two begin! The topic will be... Magic!" Spoke lord Obel as the group look at each other.

"Alright." The guard walk in with the list and look at the Crystalians in the room.

"Number one, Macy Kopper. Go to the ring now and perform your best." Spoke the guard as one of the grim from the back of the room, walk toward the guard and then the door shut.

The team look at each other.

"Alright, I'm not wasting my time now. Rune." Mercyx called Rune and Rune look at him.

"My last will, will be for you to goddamn confessed. Ya hear me fish?!" Mercyx yelled, looking at Rune with anger in his eyes and Rune just nodded, then sit back down and stay quiet.

"Mace, I have always see you as my big brother. Even though you are only my friend but I see you more than that..." Dusk said softly. Mace eyes softened as he walk closer.

"Since I have no parent, if you said that long time ago I would've called you as my brother. But now, let be my right hand best partner Dusk." Mace replied as he patted Dusk shoulder, Dusk nodded and chuckle.

"Knox, you are the person that I have admired the most. You're powerful, strong and even handsome. I always jealous of Polly get to be your big sister." Bloodworth spoke and Knox just look at Bloodworth.

"Well thank you Bloodworth but to be honest. I wouldn't be strong and powerful without you showing me cool tricks." Knox replied and Bloodworth giggle.

"Glad to have a great fans" Bloodworth replied.

Jako and Maria gave each other a hugs and look at each other.

"I love you sister... I can't imagine life without you..." Jako spoke as his eyes were stained with a little tears.

"Me too big brother..." Maria replied and sobs on her brother chest.

"Alright, number five, Knox Vikander. Your turn." The guard spoke as Knox nodded and walk out of the door.
As soon as he step on the ring, the crowds cheers for Knox and lord Obel just chuckle.

"I got to say Knox. Last round was indeed interesting, I hope you have a better tricks to show." Lord Obel spoke with a wide grin on his face as Knox summon his weapons.

Knox just didn't respond as he already had one hand on his scythe and another on his lamp.
He then start to swing his scythe in circle in full speed. Creating a flame.

"Flame wheel, seriously?" Lord Obel chuckle, Knox just glare back as he opened his lamp and let some souls slip out of it.
About ten souls escape and flying around like a house flies.
Know then swing his flaming scythe and it send out a fire ball like meteror and it hit the soul.
The others souls saw and scream in panicked, Knox just swing another and another in full speed like a machine gun. But faster.
The screaming souls are now disappear, all of them got hit and perished. Lord Obel just look and smirk.

"Nice choice on learning that magic ability. You will be a great shooter to get rid of those peasant lighteners." Obel spoke with a grin as Knox just glare back.

"Like I will ever obey to you." Knox growl and Obel laugh.

"You're my favourite already! I'm sure to make you begged and obey me. Knox. " Obel replied with a wide grin as he raise his hand and signaling for Knox to leave. And Knox did, the minion just walk in front of Knox and Knox used that spell to get rid of it instant, making Obel chuckle by the sight again.

"Knox, your attitude need fixing... If you keep this up, lord Obel will definitely eliminate you next round..." Jako spoke.

"Maria Juana, you're up!" Yelled the guard as Maria nodded and went out.

"Why do I need to care? He is no boss to me. I take no boss to an idiot." Knox replied.

"But you should to this one. He's powerful than all of us and you still don't know what he's capable of." Bloodworth replied.

"Capable of murdering innocent useful creatures and making bad choices." Know replied again with a growl.

"C'mon Knox, please behave." Mace spoke softly for once and Knox look at Mace. Then there was a sound of a canon.

"Maria!!" Jako yelled Ashe ran and slammed the door, all of the team ran and witness Maria got eaten by the dog. Chewing her body skin and swallowing her flesh. Green blood flow down out of the canine mouth and the group just watch in horror.
Jako little sister is no more...

"Mace Xaycover, Your turn." Spoke the guard.

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