It hurt to be alive

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---be the shy Rune Kozlov point of view---

Rune was just swimming around the pond and teleport to another pond using his ability, since he was half aquatic animal he was the only Crystalians who know water magics on teleportation under water.
And known to breath underwater like fishes too but unfortunately he could be on dry land for so long without having water by his side or else he would be dry to death. Rune was swimming around and minding his own business until he poke his head out to find the dark forest. Destroyed or demolished.
Rune was so shocked to see what kind of Crystalians or animals would have a rage or ability to do this thing to the poor nature. Rune began to panicked.
He hate land and always hate land.
He drop his head down into the cold water and swim. He summon a small dark blue portal in front and went in it to teleport to another lake or river.
Then he realized he teleport into the middle of the city. He just poke his head out of the water a little to see what's going in. The television and the radio was apparently complaining about the upcoming tournament that lord Obel had made.
Oh gosh.
Now Rune not gonna sleep for a whole weeks.
Rune began to swim back to his home in the swamp area.
He want to be home, even though he also wanted to be with his friends and team. Especially Knox. It was his favourite person to be around, Rune always admire Knox from afar. The way Knox used his magic and they way Knox always focus on his studying so much on book could make Rune look at Knox without Knox realizing it. It was just funny for Rune.

---be the depressed Crystalians, Knox Vikander---

It been days already, no progressed or anything.
Knox have been training so much that he could destroy a land with his magic.
He mastered his ability and many more that he would confidently win the tournament but one thing that kept him down is that the fact he will have to watch his friends slowly disappear away from him, one by one like his sister.
Knox shake his head in frustration. He don't want to lose his friends, he don't want to give up hope on finding the one who bully his sister, and he also don't want to disappoint his father.
He don't care if he die, he just want his friends to make it out alive.
He felt so wrong for being alive. Knox just kept walking and walking into the other side of the forest.
Knox turn his head and found a big lake and a small water fall. There were boulders everywhere around the lake making it look like a swimming pool except that once you get in, there's no out.
Knox just look at it as he feel another wave of depression hit him again.


"Hey Knox! Check this out!"
Yelled the young Crystalians at Knox. Knox turn his head toward the lake and laugh to see his friends was dancing on top of the water.

"I'm a dolphin! Eek! Eek!"
Rune trying to copy a dolphin sound but failed so bad, making Knox laugh more.

"That's not how dolphin sound, you fish tail!"
Knox yelled back, laying on the grassy floor laughing.

"Woahhhh!" Rune lose his balance and he fall into the water, making a big splash of water and it hit Knox.

"Hey! Don't make me wet too!"
Knox yelled as both of them laugh.

"Sorry! I forgot to focus on my magic!"
Rune apologise and laugh with Knox.

----flashback end-----

Knox then began to cry again. He just feel sad all the sudden. He don't know why and he dislike it.

"Knox, stop. It making you're weak... They are just your best friends..." Knox mumbled to himself as he put his hand and whip his tears away. He just stare at the lake and lat the memory he had with his friend, Rune. Flow in.
Knox feel so dumb and stupid for ignoring his friend for months. He had been spending times with his team on land but not with the one who make him smile. Knox then lean in toward the lake and touch the water, feeling the cold water through his hand. Knox just laying on his stomach and just playing with the shallow water. He just felt so empty since his sister was gone. His sister was always there for him.
Support. Care. Teach and even play for Knox when ever he's alone.
Then the image of the tournament went in and Knox growl by the memory. He hate those Crystalians who bully his sister, he hate the lord for taking his sister, he hate the lord for making stupid rules for the Crystalians to never see their mother, he hate his sister heart. Her kind and soft heart, it too soft that it hurt Knox in every ways possible and lastly he hate himself for being too powerful on magic but also being too weak on emotional. He hate everything in his life and many more.
He hate that his sister died for him...
Knox cry again as he punch the ground. He don't breath or anything, he stood up on two legs and jump into the cold water.
Then everything went black.

Silence finally...

---Rune Kozlov PoV---

I can feel something big and impact. My specialty magic is telling me that there's something big in the water lake on the southern area of the country. I wouldn't check it because I know it would be corpses that lord Obel would throw it but it not the northern so it raise my curiosity. I decided to go check it out, if it a corpse then I would still take it and feed my pet.
So I summon a portal and jump in the water to go to that area and to my surprised. It was my friend. I inhale sharply under the water and quickle swim toward the lifeless body of my old friend. The friend who I always admire and love.
I took him toward the land but the sides are covered in rocks and boulders. I can't lift him up due to the height.
I immediately summon another portal and went in it. I teleport to the swamp area next to my home and began to perform CPR.
Breath idiot. Breath.
I just kept pushing his chest and then grab his skull and yank it out, same as mine and began to commit a mouth to mouth. Still no breathing.
I just kept going for more than 30 mins, I started to lose hope. I gave a final mouth to mouth and I was relief. Knox lift his head up and cough out water, I patted his back and put on my skull back. Knox cough and throw up all the water, then he just lay down on the floor and breath. I sigh and grab his skull and help him put it back on.

"Knox... Why did you trying to drown yourself?.." I asked quietly to Knox but Knox just look at me weakly. I just look at him and sigh, carry him inside my house to gave him some rest and some of the remedy I know how to make. And to lucky of Knox, I also know a spell of regeneration so Knox will be back strong.

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