Final Round - bloodbath

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"Alright all of you audience who are here today! Are you excited for the final round?" Yelled Obel as the audience cheers louder and ever.
The last four Crystalians were in the room. Panicked.

"Don't worry, they said. Say that and I'll show it what they mean are wrong at this moment." Knox mumbled.

Rune just look on the cracked wall, sweating and shaking in fear. He drank another water bottle.

"I... Am not ready.." Rune mumbled and Bloodworth snoorted.

"You say that since the beginning." She spoke.

"How are you so calm?" Rune asked.

"I am not, I may look calm but I'm screaming on the inside." She replied.
D a m n

"First battle, Bloodworth Banquo and Merlin Panny. You're up." Spoke the guard as the two Crystalians walk together and gave each other a glare before shake hand. Bloodworth turn her head and look at Knox and Rune.

"See you in the next after life if that exist. I'm happy to have you as a friends." She spoke before leaving the white room, leaving the two Crystalians inside all alone.
They couldn't calm down and panicked. They waited and shaking in fear.
Knox wasn't shaking much but Rune just looking at the floor like his dreams are broken.
So broken.

--- time skip 30 mins ---

The two Crystalians just waited until the door flung open. They were hoping that Bloodworth would win but... The guard was the one who came.

"Alright, Knox Vikander and Rune Kozlov, your on the final round." Spoke the guard.

"And where are the winner from the last round?" Knox asked.

"They died together. Bloodworth axe were in the air and the gun from Merlin shot her but he didn't focus on her axe so it dropped on his head. Now go." The guard replied, Knox and Rune share their glance at each other and looked down on the ground. Walking together toward the middle of the arena. The ring of the tournament. The doom of all their species.

"Wasn't that last battle amazing? All of you agree?" Lord Obel speak and the crowds cheers louder.

"Since no one make it, this round will be the round that will judge the winner!
The strongest of all and the best one! Let the battle begins!" Lord Obel yelled and Knox turn his head toward Rune.

"Look Rune, I don't want to fight yo-" the spear shoot and it missed Knox. It was nearly hit Knox head.
Knox glare at Rune in terror.

"I'm sorry Knox, but this is the tournament. Show others no mercy." Rune spoke as he shot another one and Knox dodge.

"Rune! I cannot fight you! You are my last friend!" Knox yelled and Rune was in tears.

"I know Knox! I am too but you have to fight to live! Fight me!" Rune yelled as he run toward Knox. Summon his other weapons. Change from a harpoon gun into a rope that attached with a hook.
Rune swinging it and ran toward Knox.
Knox looked down and summon his scythe.

"Alright... I'll shall kill you if it what you wanted." Knox spoke as he ran toward Rune with full speed.
The two growl like wild animals, as they run passed each other, Knox scythe blade was cover in turquoise blood. Rune didn't get any hit at Knox.
Knox turn around and ran again toward Rune, Rune whine in pain as he also turn back and use his magic. He made the floor cracked and let the magma flood out of the floor and went toward Knox. Knox stop and spread his wings and fly above it. Rune growl and ran far away distance from Knox. Knox was in the air and swing his scythe and send out a meteror fire power at Rune.
Rune hear and jump and dodge the powerful meteror that were send rapidly by Knox until one of them hit Rune right at his leg.
Rune growl and hisses in agony, Rune summon his harpoon gun weapon and start shooting Knox.
Knox dodge it easily and flew toward Rune with full speed.
One of the harpoon just gave a little scratch on Knox skull but not a crack.
Knox charge and tackle Rune with full power, making Rune dropped his weapon.
Rune summon his hook and instantly blocked the scythe that was almost stabbed his head into half.
Rune growl and kicked Knox away, Knox landed and balanced completely and glare at Rune, Rune was already standing on both legs, limping a little from the pain and growl.
Then finally they charge at each other, both of their weapons collide, creating a loud 'clank' sound but Knox had more advantage.
Knox opened his mouth and used the dead parasite and punch Rune face, giving a little scratch too.
Rune groan in more agony as he stepped back and losing his balance.
Knox stepped forward swiftly.
Before Rune could used his hook to block it, it was already too late.
It was Rune weakness that the more dry he is, the more slower he get.
He got stabbed by the sharp green blade. Knox glare at his friend before Rune body started to fall.
Knox then hold the body and bring Rune head toward Knox lap and hold it.

"Rune... Tell me why...?" Knox spoke quietly and Rune coughing.

"Why did you used your regeneration power now?" Knox asked, holding his friend hand tight and crying.

"B-because I need to tell you something before I go..." Rune cough again and look at Knox eyes, crying.

"Say your last word..." Knox spoke, holding his friend hand tighter and lean in to listen to Rune final word.

"I love you Knox."

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