Chapter Twenty Four

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"...the end of my tether had been reached, and this was my ticket out..."

August moved slowly into September, which quickly moved into October. The weather was getting colder and more miserable and I had only managed to make it back to Blackpool for one solitary overnight stay. Simon hadn't been able to make it to London either. Work at the Health Centre had been chaotic and he had been rushed off his feet. August had also proved fruitful for Mahoney Towers, booked up apparently for the first time in years. Granddad Mel actually joked that it was because the local celebrity was their Granddaughter. God, I missed them so much. Halloween was at the end of the month and I wanted to be in Blackpool for that, but Bernice wanted me to cover some parade or whatever so, that wasn't going to happen.

The Box was utterly freezing, even though the heating was on full or the Landlord's version of full anyway. Tristan had come over again only this time stayed outside the door for fear of getting punched again. Instead, he got the door slammed in his face. It caught him in the nose and it hurt, apparently. Small pleasures and all that. I was checking my emails religiously, hoping that I would have had a sniff of a reply but there was nothing. I stared at the laptop screen, blanket wrapped around my shoulders, steaming hot coffee in my hand desperately trying to warm up. What the Hell was I doing?

It was the start of a new week and the start of a new assignment. There was something going on along the Thames so it was my job to stand there every day and track the movements of God knows what. The river, in the winter – yeah this was good! I was getting weird looks as I stood there, all suited and booted, carrying my notebook and pen, shivering against the wind. There was nothing to write about, I'm sure Bernice was just being the Queen Bitch that we all knew that she was. May be her plan was for me to die of Hypothermia so she wouldn't have to fire me.

I couldn't stand it any longer and it was only when someone actually suggested that I get out of the cold that I listened and headed into a small coffee shop on the corner of the Embankment. I ordered the biggest Cappuccino that they had and downed it in record time before ordering another. This one, I drank a little slower and studied the locals going about their day. I didn't know any of them; they were complete strangers to me. Now, if I was at home, I could have tapped the window and someone was bound to turn their head and say hi. If I did that here, I would probably be arrested.

I pulled my phone out of my pocket and checked for any emails or messages. There was a gorgeous message from Mum, telling me that I was a wonderful daughter, she loved me and there was a chance we could start visiting Lillian soon. Lillian, who I hadn't had the chance to think about. Mum had told me that she had spoken to her on the phone and she sounded like a different person. Very quietly spoken and apologetic for everything she had ever done. I was dying to see her, or even hear her voice but I didn't have the number for the clinic. The parentals didn't trust me with it. Didn't blame them. Lillian would have been the first person I would have poured my heart out to. Speaking of pouring hearts out...I quickly dialled Simon's number and waited for his voice on the other end. Unfortunately, the voice was his voicemail but it was better than nothing...

'Hello lovely, it's me.' I began, straightening myself up as if he were in the room. 'You will never guess what Queen Bitch has got me doing now? Standing on the Thames taking notes of some new building they are putting up. She's trying to do away with me, I know she is. Ah anyway, I just wanted to check in with you. I miss you, I love you, I want to rip your clothes off etc. Bye baby. Speak to you tonight.'

'Talk to all your friends like that do you love?' the waitress asked, as she brought over my bill. I looked up at her as I switched my phone off and smiled.

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