fountain machines

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Its passed midnight when he slips out his bedroom window, holding in his breath as he does and quietly scampers away from the dark sleeping house.

He runs towards the soft laughing from up the road, to the group of three who he misses like air after drowning.

Puffs of white smoke leaves his lips as he jogs, baggy hoodie and ripped jeans doing nothing against the chill late September air.

He gets to the others, cheers echoing in his ears and he feels a happy smile grace his otherwise frowning lips. The hugs are tight and painful, but it's comforting and wonderful.

Yuchan is screaming, joking around with Junhee and running around the sidewalk. Donghun and Byeongkwan are laughing as they watch Junhee tackle the youngest ruthlessly.

The two go down in a mess of limbs that Donghun and Byeongkwan step around, or jump over in Byeongkwans case.

It's so nice, the feeling of freedom.

Byeongkwan can't surpress the smile that lingers on his lips, because here he's free. There's no yelling parents or rules to be enforced. He's with his friends, who love him for him. There's no bad thoughts or wants of metal. A breath of fresh air.

Beside him Donghun throws an arm around the shorters shoulders, warm embrace and caring laughs that rattle his chest now vibrate into cold arms.

They're not going anywhere, the town is too small for crazy fun like in the movies. Instead they walk, trudge down small down town sidewalks and embrace the glares of elders with glowing smiles and puffs of smoke.

Donghun moved from him, now in a heated debate with Junhee while Yuchan is counting change in his hands. Why, Byeongkwan is unsure, Junhee always pays for their nightly outings, but he doesn't interrupt the intense counting.

The E-Z Mart is at the end of town, closer to Byeongkwans house than the others. It's dark and grungey, with less savory people walking in and out at all hours of the night. The neon lights from the signs brighten the pavement, casting soft white and green shadows onto the group as they stumble around the lot.

Inside the store is blinding, white florescent lights scarring eyes and making heaven seem dull. The cashier greets them with a sleepy slur, bleach blond head resting on the counter and droll dripping onto the surface.

The store is empty, only the group of four and the asleep cashier. Junhee and Yuchans voices are loud in the open room, bouncing off the walls and shelves and slamming back into their ears.

Byeongkwan steps around his friends as they walk around, rubbing his hands together to rub away the frost. He's glancing around the shelves, eyes landing on the lined candies and gum packs and making his lips twitch happily. Hes busy grabbing a lone pack of gum when he hears the door bell jingle and Donghun speaks up, voice loud as fuck.

He lifts his gaze up, trying to see over the tall shelf but he can't see anything other than the very top of Donghuns messed up hair. So he shrugs and tries to listen, straining his ears and slowly stepping closer and closer towards the end of the aisle.

He can hear mumbled voices, even Donghuns normally loud voice is softer as he speaks to the stranger. There's only a muffled low tone, but Byeongkwan can't make out words for the life of him.

Eventually he sighs and gives up, grabbing another pack of gum and looking behind him, spotting Yuchan at the fountain drink dispensers. He walks over, feeling eyes on his back but chooses to ignore them, and smacks Yuchan on the back of the head lightly as the younger spills pop over the rim of his cup.

Once Yuchan is finished playing with the dispensers the two move away and find Junhee already at the counter that's been covered by bags of chips and candy. Yuchan runs over, bumping into Junhee with a cackle, while Byeongkwan slowly follows with a smile on his lips.

As his friends check out he glances around for Donghun, who's no longer in the store. He taps Junhees shoulder, the older twisting around with a confused look.

"Where'd Donghun go?"asks Byeongkwan, softly as not to disturb the cashier.

Junhee replies with a soft 'outside with Wow', before turning back and speaking to Yuchan.

Byeongkwan frowns and pouts a bit at his friends useless answer. He glares at the back of his taller friends head, and when they both turn around he snaps his gaze away and to the floor. He doesn't want a lecture right now.

The three stumble out of the store, Yuchan and Junhee swapping items as they blindly walk away and Byeongkwan would have gladly followed if it wasn't for Donghuns voice calling out off to the side of them.

Byeongkwan snaps his head up and focused on Donghun and the body standing beside him. He obediently walks over, and stands a little bit behind Junhee as the two oldest start talking.

He observes the stranger. Ignoring the burn in his chest.

Pretty in the face, stronger features but a certain delicate flavor that balances it out. Dark gaze that burns skin, lips chapped by the cold, and decked out in thin clothes but never shivering.

A hand moves up and brings a lit cigarette to his lips, the ignited tip burning red as lungs inhale soothing chemicals.

He isn't the only one observing, because he meets the others eyes multiple times in short face heating moment's.

Byeongkwan isn't listening to Donghun, but he does hear a name.


It fits, he thinks.

They stand around for twenty minutes to , and Sehyoons gaze barely leaving him. Byeongkwan never turns to meet his eyes, but he feels his skin burn and him hands get sweaty. He knows.

They part with Sehyoon leaving, where he's going Byeongkwan doesn't know, nor should he care. But he can't help but watch the older guy leave, slowly disappear into the darkness past the neon signs with smoke trailing after.

Donghun leads them away too, they're going to their houses. Houses, never homes.

It's passed 3am when Byeongkwan stumbles through his window, the house still silent as ever and his posters mocking him. He falls into bed, soft sheets warming his body from the outside cold and head resting on plush pillows.

Thoughts tack themselves to black hair and the smell of menthol. To bruised knuckles and black hoodies. To a guy named Sehyoon who he'll never meet again.

𝒔𝒕𝒓𝒂𝒘𝒃𝒆𝒓𝒓𝒊𝒆𝒔 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒄𝒊𝒈𝒂𝒓𝒆𝒕𝒕𝒆𝒔 : 𝒘𝒐𝒘𝒌𝒘𝒂𝒏Where stories live. Discover now