| scenario 27 |

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and i oop-

it's literally so fuckin early, im so sorry that this sucks ass and i need to sLeEp-



A couple months ago, Person A & B started talking to each other online via social media. They would text, share memes and such—you know, what gen z does. Eventually, they start Skyping and summer break's coming up pretty quick. When Person A suggests they meet up, seeing as they're both technically almost adults, B agrees, and lucky them, they don't even have to get plane tickets or anything because they live in the same city, they've just gone to two different schools in two different districts.

Skip to summer break and Person A is waiting for Person B at the subway station, a bit fidgety and nervous. What if B doesn't like them in person? What if something happened on the subway and B doesn't show up? What if B's a completely different person than they are on a computer screen? What if—?

The subway comes to a stop, opening its doors. 

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