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This was requested by a friend and I felt like I struggled with it, so sorry! I hope you enjoy :/

There was a thunderstorm outside and the blue ninja stood on the deck of the bounty while the lightning crashed, and the rain came down harshly. The other ninja were asleep since it was quite early except for... the water ninja. After the (season 6) incident they both couldn't get much sleep.

*Nyas POV*
I yawn as I am awakened by the harsh lightning and thunder strikes. I assume no one is awake because of the silence in the other rooms.

I try to go back to sleep but realize that I'm already wide awake, so I hop out of bed and get a tall glass of water.

When I am done, I walk over to a window and see a blurry figure outside. When I get closer to the window I realize it's Jay, so I go back to my room to put a blue sweater on, some shoes, and go back outside.

I stair at his now wet brown curly hair, and his blue sapphire eyes with his hands cupped to his face.

"Jay, are you okay? What are you doing outside?" I finally ask as I stand behind him.

"I'm okay. Just needed some air." He said while rubbing the back of his neck.

I could tell he was lying.

"Jay, what's really up? And no lying." I say softly but firmly.

He sighs in defeat and turns around and looks at me with those beautiful blue eyes.

"I'm... still a little traumatized by Nadakhan... I didn't want to tell you, because, well.... I thought that everything that happened to everyone was my fault because I didn't tell you guys when I encountered Nadakhan. I lied to you all which almost costed your life, and many other people of ninjago as well."

"Jay, isolation won't make any of your problems go away. Trauma is horrible, and you need to talk to me about it because I want you to go back to that cute, happy, funny Jay everyone knows and loves. Everything bad that happened wasn't your fault, it was Nadakhan's fault because he was the one causing all of the problems. You were simply the only one who wouldn't fall for his trick after your second wish."

He looks at the ground as he starts tearing up. I put my hand on his shoulder and he was slightly startled.

"I wish-"

"Please don't say that..." he quickly cuts me off.

Seriously how stupid of me to say that. I mentally hit myself, and embrace him into a warm hug. I could hear him silently cry. I really hated to see him like this. At least he was finally expressing how he felt to me.

He let go of me. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you how I felt earlier... I just didn't know how." He said feeling guilty.

"It's okay Jay. I'm just glad you're finally talking to me about this." I give him a warm smile and he returns it.

"Is there anything you would like to do to get your mind off it?"

"Hmm... video games?" He Replies.


Video games aren't my thing, but right now it looked like he needed it.

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