Crush P.3

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During History Kai and I met three girls. Jessica, Emma, and Gracie. Jessica would literally just do whatever Gracie did, Emma was nice and quiet, and Gracie was just plan mean, yet somehow my brother found it attractive.

"Hey. I'm Nya and this is my brother Kai. We're new." I say as we sit next to them.

"We didn't ask for a introduction... Nya." Gracie reply's.

"Yah! If we wanted one then we would've asked." Adds Jessica.

"Yesh! Sooorryyy." I say in a tone that definitely made it clear I wasn't sorry.

"Let's sit somewhere else Nya. It's to hot over here." He winks before I grab him and pull him over to different seats which were far away from them.

~After History Class~

It was lunch now and I couldn't have been more excited to hang out with the guys and their friends.

"You ready?" I asked before I opened the door leading into the cafeteria where everyone ate.

"Ready as I'll ever be." He smiled.

I opened the door and immediately spotted Jay and Cole.

"Hey! Nya and Kai, over here!" Yells Jay.

We walk over to them and I sit next to Jay and Kai sits next to Cole.

"Guys, meet Kai and Nya. Their siblings." Cole says.

I heard "hey" and "hello" from the big table group.

"Nice to meet you all." I say brightly.

"We are all very happy you chose to be our friends." Pixal says reassuringly.

"Indeed." Zane agrees.

"I think I have a few classes with you guys." Kai says.

"Yeah. I have Science with u guys, along with Jay, Cole, and Zane." Lloyd states.

"Thankfully We all have L.A together." Harumi says.

"I think I would bore to death if we didn't." Skyler states dramatically.

"Would you guys come to my funeral?" She asks.

"I wouldn't." Violet says.


"Because I'd be to busy planning it."

We all laughed.

"Where did you guys move from." Zane Asks suddenly.

"Ignica. It was a small peaceful place." I reply.

"When we mean small, we mean small." Kai adds.

"I cannot relate." Harumi adds show-offish

We all just stair at her.

"What? Just being truthful." She reply's innocently

Lunch was going great. We were all getting to know each other. I could probably explain to someone about each and every one of these people just by this one lunch. Cole appears as someone you wouldn't want to mess with, but once you get to know him he's really just a friendly and funny guy who likes cake. Zane was extremely innocent, smart, and kind. Lloyd seemed fragile, trustworthy, and friendly. Pixal seems smart, caring, and a tad insecure. Violet seemed funny, crazy, and easily lovable. Harumi seemed innocent, happy, and friendly. And Jay seemed funny, happy, caring, cute, and  smart.

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