Crush P.4

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The prank idea was requested by @Sheirkaypalm ❤️

As I walked to school I noticed Nya and Gracie. Were they getting along? Or were they still fighting like cats and dogs?

"Hey Nya." I interrupted their conversation.

"Hey. Can I talk to you alone for one sec?" She Asks me, and I nod my head.

She grabs my hand, and walks me where there is no one is to be found.

"At lunch make sure there's no ones in the cafeteria. I have something big planned." She smiled deviously as I tilted my head.

"What do you mean?" I asked quite puzzled by her behavior.

"Two words. Big.... Prank...." I assumed she wanted to prank Gracie for her milk move yesterday and thought of the consequences.

"But, Nya. You could get in tro-" She put her finger on my lips.

"I know what I'm doing Jay." She smiled at me warmly as she removed her finger from my lips.

"A-Alright." I returned the warm smile and walked away to find Cole.

Nyas POV

"Hey Gracie. I heard a famous celebrity is coming to the cafeteria at lunch today. Everyone is going to be there." I lie.

"How am I supposedly getting this info from you out of the whole school?" She Asks not believing me.

"Maybe it's because no one wants you to know. The less people the better." I smile.

"Whatever. Its not like I'll miss lunch anyway." She goes on her phone.

"Hey Nya." Jay suddenly appears next to me.

"Hey Jay. Can I talk to you alone?" I ask.

He nods his head so I take his hand.

"At lunch make sure there's no ones in the cafeteria. I have something big planned." I smiled feeling pride.

"What do you mean?" He tilts his head and I slightly blush.

"Two words. Big.... Prank...." I felt cool for some reason.

"But, Nya. You could get in tro-" I cut him off by placing my finger on his lips.

"I know what I'm doing Jay." I reassure him.

"A-Alright." I warmly smiled and removed my finger.

He walked off.

I just starred at him until I couldn't see him anymore.

"Watcha doin?"

"Aaah!" I yell out of fear.

"Sorry." Harumi try's not to laugh at my reaction

"It's okay, and I need to tell you about something..."

Coles POV

I see Jay walking in the hallway.

"Jay!" I call out his name to grab his attention.

"Oh, there you are. I need to tell you about something Nya said." He goes on.

"Okay..." I signal him to continue.

"She said she wanted to make sure no one would come in the cafeteria because she had a big prank planned.... And I'm guessing she wants revenge on Gracie for being a Jerk to her yesterday." He says this while frowning and biting his lip.

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