Crush P.6

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Yay! I'm finally back ^~^ hehe sorry for keeping you guys waiting!

Nya's POV

"Kai, let me go." I say sadly.

"No, not after what you did." He sounded really angry.

"Kai, she should deal with her own actions, it's her responsibility." Skyler nudges him.

"I know that she clearly does not want to face her consequences, so I have to push her into it for her."

"I have to get to class! Let me go!" I start to get frustrated.

"I'm sure we can come up with an excuse for being late to class on the second day." Kai states.

"He's not wrong. Teachers are sympathetic when it comes to being late on the first couple of days." Skyler reply's.

That's how it was in my old school too, but I really just wanted to get away from everything and everybody right now.

"Why did you even do that stupid prank in the first place?" Kai asked sounding less angry and more concerned.

"Ugh! I don't know. Now, let me go already!" I struggled to get out of his grasp before I elbowed him in the stomach, and ran as fast as I could knowing he couldn't interrogate me durning class.

Jay's POV

Why was I so attached. I only knew her for a couple of days, but it seems like we've known each other for a long time.

"Jay, are you okay?" Cole whispers.

"Mhm." I respond continuing my sketch I've been drawing during this whole period.

"Whatcha drawing?" He asks.

"Nothing." I try to hide it.

He snatches it away from me.

"Hey!" I yell silently, not even knowing that was possible for me to do.

"A sketch of a.... girl under a blossom tree?" He says in confusion.

"Heh, I told you it was nothing." I reply as I take my sketch back.

"Mhm." He glances at me one last time, before returning to our assignment.

What was he up to? I just brushed it off and continued drawing.

Nya's POV

After a horrible couple of periods of Kai occasionally glaring at me, it was finally the end of the day. I could finally go home and sleep while-

"Nya Smith please come to the office, Nya Smith please come to the office."

I really hope I'm not getting called up for what I think I am.

I reluctantly walked to the office, anxious to find out what I was getting called up for.

"Nya Smith?" A young office lady asked.

"Yes." I reply.

"Over here." She signaled me to follow her. And I did.

There it was. Exactly what I didn't want to see. It was principal Wu, Gracie, and her group.

"Hmp!" Gracie huffed at my presence while Harumi glared at me with anger, still a little wet because of my epic prank.

"May I please leave now, I have somewhere to attend to at this moment." This was the girl who was crying. I think her name is.... Emma! Yah, that's it.

"Sorry miss, but we all need to discuss what took place in the incident durning lunch today." The principal took a glance at all of us.

"We really have no reason to be here, we're all innocent. Well, all of us except for Nya Smith." Harumi protested.

"Nice of you to throw me under the bus. Care to spare me some last words?" I sarcastically reply.

"I don't think a bus is harsh enough. Maybe leave her stranded at sea instead?" Gracie causally suggests.

"Yah! she'd really need to learn how to... uh.. Swim! In order to survive in there." Jessica stupidly adds.

"If I had a dollar for every time you'd say something smart, I'd be broke." I roll my eyes getting annoyed.

"Mrs.Smith! We do not solve our problems by insulting our peers." He gives a surprised and disappointed look at me.

"Sorry Principal Wu..." I really wasn't sorry. Those girls are mean, well most of them, and they shouldn't get away with all the bad stuff I'm sure they've done. And the one time someone stands up to them by making a big statement, well, maybe a large statement. Nonetheless, it was still a statement, and it was a statement I'm not proud of, but I'm also not sorry about making it either.

"What were you thinking Nya? Pulling something like that is not appropriate, not in the slightest. What were you trying to prove?" Principal Wu asked this with deep concern.

"She was just being a jerk! She hates us for no reason and would constantly remind us that she did." Harumi barges into our conversation.

Emma begins to twirl her hair anxiously.

"Not true! They bully me because I hang out with their crushes!" I blurt out.

"So you wanted to get them back for bullying you?" He shakes his head in disapproval.

"Yah...." I might as well admit my mistakes.

"Nya... you never look good trying to make someone else look bad." Principal Wu tries to reason with me.

"But, I wasn't trying to make them look bad! I was just trying to show them how it felt to be bulli-.... Oh... Yeah, that doesn't sound good after I hear it out loud." I awkwardly stair at my shoes in embarrassment and regret.

"Be sure to taste your words before you spit them out Mrs.Smith. There is a difference when it comes to standing up for yourself to repeating what your bully has once done to you. Girls, you are dismissed." Principal Wu walks away with no sign of satisfaction.

"Wait!" I call out to Gracie, Harumi, and Emma.

"What is it? Are you going to continue to fake being sorry?" She rolls her eyes and puts her hand on her hip.

"Harumi would know a lot about that." Emma whispers under her breath.

"No, I actually wanted to apologize for real. What's right doesn't mean much if I'm not doing what's right, and I'm sorry for that." I give them a faint smile.

"Thanks? I guess..." Gracie reply's.

"C'mon girls we have a major night ahead of us." Harumi directs them to the exit.

Just before I walk away Emma grabs my hand.

"Thank you." She gives me a soft smile.

"For what?" I asked not knowing what she meant.

"Doing what's right." She gave me one last smile before following Rumi and Gracie.

All I could do was think for the rest of the day while starring at either my ceiling or my hands. That felt good, but there still felt like there was something else I had to do....

Oh yeah, that's right! Confront my friends about my actions. This was going to be tricky, but after accomplishing that, I feel like I can do anything.

Great things take time, so I'll have to be patient.

Yeah you made it to the end! I hope you're enjoying it. Sorry I haven't uploaded in ages. I hope this made your day a little bit better :)

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