Elevator For Two P.2

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I was kind of nervous to apply for leadership, but I started to really want to do it, so I eventually got the courage to apply, but I still didn't turn in the packet. There were simple questions like: Have you ever been suspended? What do you do in your free time? What do you want to be when you grow up? These were questions my friends or family would ask, so I finished it without a sweat. Yet, I still had hesitations.

Once I got to school with my brother, Kai, I saw my best friend Skyler who was Kai's crush.

"Hey Nya. Who's your friend?" Skyler Asked.

"This is my brother Kai." I replied.

"Hey..." The most flirty boy i've ever met, says "hey" as awkwardly as possible to his crush. That must mean he really likes her.

"I got to go. It was great meeting you Skyler." All Skyler did was smile at him and turn her head back to me.

"What's that." She pointed at my packet I was holding in my hands.

"Oh, this is just an application to join the leadership club. Someone convinced me to join." I smiled dreamingly at the packet.

"What's that face?"

"What face?"

"That face you made when you told me about someone convincing you."

"I didn't make a face." I reply innocently.

"So, you have a crush. Who is it?" This girl knows me to well, so I just gave in.

"He's I guess well known around school, and he's I guess good looking, and he's also I guess kinda smart." I say quietly.

"What classes do you have with him?" She asks thinking hard about who it is.

"Math, Science, and i'm hoping leadership." I reply.



"Sorry." She laughs.

"I've always seen him around, but I never really noticed how cute, polite, and kind he is." I explained.

"Well, it sounds like you like him a lot." She says while winking at me with a wide smile.

"No! It's just a little crush, and that's it. It'll probably go away in a couple of days." I state.

"Mhm okay." She says sarcastically.

"I got to go turn this in. I'll see you at Math."

"K. Bye." She walks away and so do I.

I look down at my feet while walking and suddenly bump into someone and drop there stuff and mine.

"I am so sorry!" I say without looking at them and picking up there stuff.

"It's okay." They also neal down to pick up there stuff.

"Here-" I look up and realize it's Jay.

"Thanks." He gives me a bright smile.

I continue to stair at him while I stand up, and he looks at my packet.

"Oh, so you have decided to apply. Can't wait for you to join." He says confidently.

"But, I don't even know if i'll be accepted. Plus, I heard they check grades, and right now I have a B- in math because i've been busy helping my parents get their job back in business."

"That's not that bad. Before you turn this in I could help you bring your B- up." He says shyly.

"That would be great! How about we meet after school by the school entrance."

"Sure." He responds.

We quickly hug and go to our classes.

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