*~*senorita*~* arrow x singer!reader

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So this is some inspiration from listening to the song senorita by shawn Mendes and Camilla Cabello and it is supposed to be a secret romance blossoming in between the two lovers... let's get to the fucking chapter!

*~*3rd person pov*~*
As y/n was walking down the halls of her school to the library she bumped into someone she never met before, a tubby since she was on me as well he had orange fur, a arrow antenna, blue tight jeans, and a sunrise tank top on. "You ok...?" The boy said modestly falling to your aid to help you with your books when he looked you in the eyes he blushed like crazy and said "are you ok senorita~?" Making you blush like crazy "ummm I-im f-fine I'm sorry I-i-i didn't m-mean to..." you felt him grab your hand and pick you up holding your books in one of his arms and you in the other and asked "senorita~? can you show me where the  library is.. im looking for.. damming what's it called.." "mi Amor is a ghost!?" (Not a real book I think) you asked "yes exactly senorita!" He said with a grin. "Well that's where I was heading actually" you said grinning like crazy under your mouth mask. "Well then shall we senorita~?" He asked offering his hand for you to hold. "O-ok!"
*~*timeskip to le library*~*
You both checked out your books and you showed him how to do it and you both sat together since they're was only one if "mi amor is a ghost?!" You both were sharing the same phone listening the same song [if you haven't yet play song above] you slowly got soaked into the song and started to mumble the words then when the words picked up you started to sing loud enough for arrow to hear. Arrow took off his headphone and place them on his neck then sang along with you then he grabbed your hand and started to dance with you. He took your fake glasses from you and you both started to dance a lil salsa and a lil ballroom. You both danced around the library and when the song ended you were bend back to the point where he was holding you up. You turned red when you realised that happened and you heard giggling when you looked over you saw Ron Heci and Po watching you two dance. "P-please don't tell guys!" you begged "for what?" "Your lives" Mythy said coming out of nowhere "now start running" she said as she chased after them. You looked over at him and he just shrugged his shoulders then pulled you closer to where he kissed you. It was soft but very passionate, when you separated you both were dazed about what happened. He kissed your hand and said "will you be MY senorita~?"   You turned red and were about to say yes but then asked "how are we gonna keep this a secret?" He was confused at first then realised your reputations... his was football and he hated it he wanted to sing but his family hate singers and you have never sang for anyone not even your family and you have no friends cause people think your a witch cause you like to read and draw weird things. "We meet up when we're alone before and after school and at night every day!" He said with a smirk for you. "Okily dokily!" You said smiling then kissing him again.
*~*timeskip to present time*~*
You and arrow have been secretly dating for 3 years and one day your father says to you "you will be married to Carlos in 3 days and that's final" you scream and cuss at him about how your to young since your only 16 years old and being married to a 30 year old. You grab your back pack and fill it up with your money, art journals and colors, phone and charger and snacks and drinks as well and you run to where you meet up with arrow at. "Senorita! Where were you?" He asked with no idea wants going on. You tell him and he is very angered and says "Y/n get on my bike" "where are we going?" "To kill your father and your 'groom' " "arrow no." "Why he wants to marry you to a man with pedophilia!" "Then let's do something else!" "Like what?!" "Umm let's run away?!" You kiss him to calm him down "really?" "Mi Amor, we have nothing left to live in this shitty town so let's leave! Forever and never return only to dance on our parents graves!" You say smiling  do as he said and you both drive to his place. "I'm gonna get some stuff brb kay?" "Oki!" You said holding yourself in his hoodie he let you use since it got cold a bit. You got on your phone and went to the group chat and said "me and arrow are running away, anyone else wanna come?" And everyone literally said  "YES!" You and woman's to meet up with them at the alley and run away together. "Ok let's go!" He said kissing you "well actually were all running away you said with a grin meaning the others are coming with us! He smiled and said "your a fucking genius mi senorita" and kissed your forehead. You both drove to the place and saw that Tinky-winky, dipsy, and yeti had they're cars and brought a trailer for the bikes as well :3 "LETS FUCKING GO!" You yelled you and arrow got onto arrows bike and you sang at the top of your lungs [song beginning] so did he and led the way to a new beginning
tellitubbie land

The end!!!

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