»loving my brothers killer« rons sister! reader x cured!dipsy

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So this was requested by amycuteness and I'm so sorry it took a while to find your request I have kinda been busy lately so :/ and thank you for the idea!! :3 also thank y'all for 3.02k reads!!
»3rd pov«
As y/n was in the forest looking for a certain someone she heard branches snap behind her but nothing was behind her when she looked. "It was nothing y/n don't even do that" she said to herself as she clutched tightly onto the boutique of lilacs for someone, who was her brother ron. She walked the passed lake where she knew she was close to where he was.
"Hey brother!" She said with a smile as she walked up to the tombstone that read 'here lies a beloved brother ron who torn apart by his family and his killer' she gently sat down the lilacs on his grave and starts dot make flower crowns 2 of them to be exact one for her and the other on the grave. She placed one gently onto his tombstone and one in front of her and said holding a photo of her and him wearing flower crowns made form lilacs. "Ron if your here with me, please tell me or give me a sign." She kept her eyes closed shut and then felt something place the crown on her and there hand on the side of her face and said "it's ok sister just don't stop smiling for me, please it's the only thing that makes me happy anymore. I wish I could still feel you but I can't as you already know but please dont give up for me? I love you sister" she cried at the sound of his voice and said "I won't brother I never will for you" and opened her eyes to see the flower crown on his tombstone gone. She got up and said "I love you to, brother" and left the area. As she walked she started to hear something singing. She carefully started to get close and saw the figure singing, it was a tubbie like herself except a deep green fur color, a light green tank top, stiches on his throat and black and red eyes. He didn't notice her so she sat down against the same tree he was leaning his back on she recognised the song and sang [play song if haven't yet]
He notices he singing and remembered her voice singing in the satellite station
>still 3rd pov< (back when Dipsy was headless)
As Dipsy was wandering around the satellite station looking for someone else to kill he heard someone singing a female voice to be exact and when he found her. she was holding her brother in her arms him with a bruised eyes and a broken arm. "Brother, p-please your all the family I-i-i have left, d-dont leave me alone!" Dipsy saw her tears and wanted to run and hug her but couldn't since noo noo (fucking Bitch) ordered him to kill everyone in the satellite station he couldn't have sympathy. 'She is cute so I'll spare her just in case if I see her again' he thought to himself as he revved his chainsaw up alerting y/n and her brother "ron come on we need to-" "RUN Y/N AND DONT STOP FUCKING RUNNING!" He screamed at her as she scrambled into the vent. We heard and Watched her brother die in a screaming agony. She covered her mouth to prevent the headless tubby from hearing her cry. When she saw him leave she got out front vent and started to walk carefully towards the exit she slowly got towards it then heard someone's footsteps behind her. She looked behind herself to see the tubby running towards her faster than her at running. "Shit!" She yelled when she was cornered in a wall. She looked up at dipsy, who had his forearms pinning her against the wall above beer head. "You know what? Fucking kill me! I really don't care I lost all of my family now so I have nothing to live for! So fucking kill me cause why the FuCk not I mean you DID kill my brother-" "I was told to kill or else my lilac would be killed.. I dont enjoy doing it but I can't lose her, my sweet lilac Lilly" Dipsy said to his lilac, y/n. "Who's your lilac?" she asked "..... it's ...umm...well.....you" "W-what?" "Your my lilac and I don't want anything to happen to you and I if I had known that he was your brother I would've killed my boss" Dipsy said as he placed a hand on the side of her face "d-dipsy?" She asked in a panic "I'm sorry my lilac" he said and kissed her. It felt like the world just stopped and time was no more (Tony is gonna kill me for that XD) when they separated they were in shock of what happened, but liked the shock. "I-im sorry lilac I've just been wanting got to that since the day we ment a-and-" Dipsy said as he got cut off with a kiss. "I hate you but I love you more" Y/n said as she separated from his grasp hugging him instead. "I love to you, my lilac" Dipsy said hugging y/n back. "And when all of this so over and I'm back to the normal me with my head, I will find you, and I will be there for you, and never leave you, I promise, my beutiful blooming lilac~" Dipsy said as he kissed y/ns forehead. "Here come with me and I will show you bow we will find each other after this is all over." Dipsy said as he took her hand outside of the satellite station to where it was nighttime. He held her hand tightly as he pulled her onto the roof of the entrance with him. Dipsy then traced his hand down to her waist and held her close and said "see that like of stars shaped like the handle of a bow and arrow? That is called Artemis bow, the story behind it is that she fell in love with a mortal man and she was a Greek goddess and she would go down to earth and be with him every day but her brother hated the thought of it so one day he said to her 'you must shoot that mortal on the beach and if you do then you can be the mortal man you love' she smiled and shot her bow and arrow straight to the mortals heart. When she went down back to earth to finally marry her lover she couldn't find him and she searched for days then finally found him, with her arrow straight into his heart, she collapsed and cried because she killed the only man who could ever love her. Then she held his body in her arms and tossed it into the stars with the arrow Still in him." Dipsy said to y/n with a sad grin "if I ever had to do something like that to be with you, I would shoot the person who told me to do it. So when all of this ends I will look at that star and search for you till the day I die ok?" Dipsy said placing his fingers with hers holding her close "ok... love" y/n said as she received and kiss on her nose laughing at his goofiness then kissing him.
*~*to present time*~*
As y/n continued to sing she started to realise they were gone and it was all fake. "I hate these fucking hallucinations..." she said as she held her knees to her chest, tears streaming down her face. "...Dipsy..." she said to herself as she stood up and took a few steps and looked to the stars in search of a certain one. When she found attempted bow, she said to her heartbeat "...where are you?..."  she held her arms close to herself and started to cry worse she then sang the song that she knew since she knew he lied to her. She then felt a pair of arms co around her waist and hug her from behind and was singing the lyrics with her. She turned around to look the stranger in the eyes and saw it was Dipsy with his head back on with stiches on his throat with his right eye sky blue and the other black and red. "I hate you i love you I hate that I want you~" they sang together in till the song ended since they knew the whole song. "D-dipsy?" Y/n said feeling a cold hand in the side of her face. "Its all over my lilac, now we can be together without anyone shattering us~" Dipsy said kissing Y/n pulling her closer to him. Y/n then placed her hands around his neck and brushed her fingers through his hair deepening the kiss. When the separated there was a line of saliva from their lips "I love you my lilac~" Dipsy said kissing y/ns forehead. "Love you to Dipsy" Y/n said hugging him close and nuzzling her face into his chest. "Awww  my sister finally has someone who will love her and protect her as much as I did!" Ron said as he slowly left to go back to heaven.
"I love you to sister"

The end of this story!!! :3

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