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Sorry I haven't updated in forever y'all its just that I'm always super busy cause for me schools starting back up in a few weeks and shit like that and being an aunt that means going into the hospital (they scare me to no edge) and having to see them I literally go in there put on a glove and just pet there little hands I'm scared to touch them!!! Anyway I also have other books I had to work on as well and my thoughts are screwing each other over and I can't think straight and well I just can't think correctly ya know like how normal people think in one straight line and have normal lives and stuff well not me cause my thoughts just keep going over and over each other and I hate it I haft to literally force myself to try and think of one topic and that topic for five minutes only and of course it dosnt fucking work! I hate my head right now. Anyway!!! I have been very busy with other books I have as well make sure to check them out if ya haven't yet and I also have someone y'all will like very much that y'all should follow
Pixie_Wannabe is well sortave an author only book is a chat book but that is awasome!!! And well they have a very sweet and kind personality I believe it's what I've gathered form loose info? I don't fucking know I just think that if I met them in real life they would be one of those 1 in a million people you meet that are perfect friend material like literally
The perfect friend
So go follow Pixie_Wannabe and get them higher than 20 followers!!! I believe in y'all and I am Woking on a chapter for the book as well so :3
See ya my shooting stars!!!

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