I am

369 23 18

The beginning of classes is always a stimulus of thousands of emotions for everyone. You wanted to face it, but on the other hand you don't wanna.

Matt and David were on their way to college. They talked about what they expected from the classes, their classmates, professors and subjects.

In their moments of silence, David thought of many things, mostly having to do with the incognito "will I be good enough?"

Normally Williams was seen bragging, throwing flowers at himself, but... in reality he had an insecurity gap into which he repeatedly fell.
And in those moments he was staggering, right on the edge of that abyss.

"Where is the G8 classroom?" Matt asked.

David pays attention to his surroundings; he had been so immersed in his mind that he was surprised to see himself inside the classroom building.

"Are you lost, young people hungry for drama?"
A redheaded guy suddenly spoke to them, frightening them, "I'm Ed, and I'll help you find your classroom! Follow me!"

David bowed his head to the side "How do you know—"

Ed smiles big and turns his back on them, raising a fist to the sky "Come on!"

Matt and David looked at each other, shrugged and followed him.

"Where are you guys from?"

"London" they replied.

"Beautiful city, isn't it? Lots of tourist places!"

They talked about other trivialities.
Ed didn't know how to keep quiet.
Then they went up some stairs and the second room on the right had a G8 painted on the door.

"There you have it, drama class to order!"

"Thanks Ed"

"No reason, guys." Ed planted a kiss on the cheeks of the new students. "Have fun!"

He leaves as if nothing had happened.

"What the fuck..." Matt doesn't take his eyes off him.

"Simon wouldn't be happy."

They enter the G8.
There were a couple of seats in the middle, so they went to them.
The new companions were in small groups, talking animatedly. As they left their things, the London boys soon joined one of the talks.

Minutes later an older man entered the classroom and everyone immediately returned to their seats in silence.

A knot of anxiety began to grow in Williams' chest, causing him to move his leg up and down.

'I can do it... I'm enough... but... look at me, I am...'.

"Good morning. I know that thing of introducing yourself to others is very much like anonymous help groups, but let's do it," laughs were heard, "I start: I'm Joseph Meyemberg, a doctor of literature"

Student presentations began with the row of the right side of the room.
David swallowed.

'I am...'

Like a divine light falling from heaven, David remembered yesterday afternoon.

Simon kissed his lips short "bye my David, I'll see you soon, okay?"

David accepts, very much to the forced, and sees Cowell go to his car.

"Simon! Wait."

He stops his movements and watches Williams approach, like a sad puppy. David hugs him.

"What's up, handsome?"

"It's just... maybe..." David squeezes Simon's sweater between his fingers "I don't know, I don't feel ready".

"Darling, you're more than ready! Did you forget how great you played Castiel? Everyone loved you!"

"Yes, but that's what happened in London... what if they don't love me here?"

Simon took a distance between the two, grabbed the shoulders of the love of his life and looked directly at him "David Edward Williams..."

Two more people and it would be David's turn to speak.

"... if for some reason (that I don't find one, sincerely), they underestimate you..."

Only a person.

"... and they're so fucking blind not to notice that you're really talented, that you're a bright star, just remember one thing:..."

Turn of David.
The insecurity is gone.
David smiles broadly "hello everyone, I'm from London and..."

Simon grins smugly.
"...that you, sweetheart, have the yes of Simon Cowell."

"... I am David Williams"

The end.

Thank you for supporting this second story!
It means a lot to me. ❤️❤️❤️

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