Chapter 2; ouch

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Your POV

„Oh Will, don't even dare to try", Barb said, winked and went back to work.
I furrowed my eyebrows.
„Yeah, maybe", i smiled in confusion.
„Will, Will Newman.", he said and reached out his hand.
„Y/N Y/L/N", i said and shook his hand.
He leaned at the doorframe.

„So i heard you don't have cf, so why are you here ?", he asked.
I walked passed him just to discover the hospital.
He followed.
„Personal stuff. Mainly because in the ward where i should have go, no room's left."
„You wont tell me, am I right?"
„Oh, you're hella Right.", i said and looked at him.

His dark hair fell into his face, his attractive smirk made my heart melt.
I shouldn't have stared, because I accidentally bumped into a pillar.
„Ouch!", I hissed and held my hand to my head.
„Hey", he said and touched me.
It made blush.
„Wha-what the hell? What's wrong with me?", I moaned out in pain and rushed back into my room.
It was like i don't know myself anymore.
I blushed when he touched me.
He just touched me.

I closed the door and to my bad luck there wasn't a key.
Wow, i had a headache.
I let out a loud sight and grabbed my suitcase.
He must think i'm crazy.
I began to put my things into my wardrobe.
It knocked at my door?
„Yeah?", i said.
The door opened and Will came in.

„Hey i was just wondering if you're okay. You just ran away, I di-"
„Yeah I ju-, i know this was a stupid reaction. You know i got some issues."
„An issue?", he asked, I literally HEARD his smirk.
„Oh hell shut up", and I let out a laugh.
„You know, you're a naughty bitch", i Said, with a light smile, what made him laugh.
„Really? It's the truth. There a bad issues and there's one good issue."
„WILL SHUT UP!", I moaned and sat down on my bed.
„What, you don't like sex, do you?"
I swallowed.
Do i like sex?
Never had sex, my bad.
„I mean... sex is cool and -"
„Will, it's time for your medicine!", i heard barb yelling.
„Nice conversation, y/n", he said and then he went to his room.

„Y/N Y/L/N, am I right?", a nurse asked, I nodded.
„So honey, here's your therapy plan. Here's your medication, please don't forget to take them. How are you ?"
„What kind of question is that?", i asked, snapped.
„A very important one.", she just said and left.
It's 8 pm.
I felt a inner emptiness, growing.
I laid down, starred out the big windows.
I grabbed my blanket and cuddled in it.

What does it means to be alive?
What does it means to feel dead inside?

Why me?

I felt like need something.
I needed to feel something.
A razor blade.
A scissor.
Maybe a knife.
I stood up, with tears in my eyes.
I felt dead.
I went to my wardrobe and changed my clothes.
A simple, a bit oversized shirt and a pair of sweatpants.
I rummaged through my clothes and found my little box.
A lovely, little box, with my blades in it.
I sat down, back on my bed and took one out.
Tears ran down my cheek.

The first cut.
The second cut.
The third cut, a bit deeper.
The fourth cut.
The fifth, a deep cut

Blood ran down my arm, dropped on my pants.
Suddenly, out of nowhere, it knocked on my door.
It's freaking 11pm.
I jumped and all the blades fell out, on the floor.
„Fuck", I said, tried to wipe away the blood.
But it made it worse.
Will came into my room and looked overwhelmed.

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