Chapter 4; new day new chances 

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hey guys, I'm sorry that I didn't update, but I was in a psychiatry/ psych ward till today :)
I hope y'all understand that shit, now enjoy <3

Your POV

I woke up with pain in my arm.
It was 6 am and I felt guilty about yesterday.
I laid on Will's breast and butterflies flew around in my belly.
My heart began to race and I flinched at his touch at my arm.
He opened his eyes and looked at me.
And I looked at him.
His smile on his lips.
I had this feeling, that I really wanted to kiss him.
But I couldn't do that, I mean, I know him for a day maybe.
We both almost jumped as the door opened.
„I'm sorry you little lovebirds but Barb!", this time we really jumped up and he wanted to leave, but looked at me a bis rushed and overwhelmed.
But he pressed a kissed on my lips and ran out of my room with a „see ya later".
I just stood there in shook.

I didn't know why, but my motivation rised and I felt good.
I looked out of the window and saw, that it's still dark outside.
5:57 am
I already missed his touch.
But before I could think of his touch, barb entered the room.
She crossed her arms.
„What?", I asked and raised my eyebrows.
„Did he sleep here?"
„No? I fell asleep an hour ago on his arm and he waited till I woke up. And then he went to his room."
„Y/n, I just want the best for you? How can you love someone, if u don't even love yourself?"
I kept looking at her. Of course you can.
„I need sleep"
„Did you take your pills?"
„Fine, than Good Night love"

I breathed out.
I want home.
I miss my friends, even if I had only 2 real friends, they're still everything I need.
I opened all curtains and laid down, looked at the stars and all the lights.

What's the sense of life?
Why do we live? It Doesnt matter if I would die right now. I could just kill myse-
„Hey Beauty", I heard a well-known voice.
„Hey will", I said without looking.
„When I learned one thing in life, then that when you love someone, you should say it. You don't know when you're going to die or how long you will be alive. I learned that you should appreciate the time you have with this person. So, maybe I'm allowed to lay down next to you?"

Shocked at his word, I looked at him.
First he looked out of the window, then back to me.
„Of course, I would love that", I smiled
He laid down next to me and I cuddled up in his arms.
I felt so loved, I almost cried.
I felt complete, finally.
„What do you think about?", he asked.
„Like Right now?"

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