Chapter 8; charming

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Finally ! Enjoy and leave a comment, love y'all and thank u so much for the support 💖

Your POV

The last 4 weeks were very stressful, but also a very romantic time between me and Will. He's beautiful and I love him so much. I've never had a boy who were so romantic and caring like he is.

We also had a few heated make out session, but I always stopped there because I was kinda scared. I am kinda ready now. Kinda.

My day went by, all the therapy's I had today are done. My mother wanted to visit me. So I got ready and met up with her in the cafeteria.
And it was planned that she should meet Will for the first time. Nah, the first time as my BOYFRIEND. Officially. My mom loves him and now is the right moment to tell her. But he was late so I already went to see her.

She stood there, broken smile and a little nervous.
„Hey mom", I smiled, exited and motivated.
„Hey sweetheart! I missed you so much", she smiled, hugged me tight.
„I missed you too"
We sat down, had a small talk.
I was nervous, because this was the first time telling her what's going on and about my progress. And Will.
„Soo", while I was to began the sentence, Will came trough the doors and sat down next to me. Out of breath.

„I'm so sorry I'm late, the doctors kept ta-"
„Will honey it's totally fine.", my mom said and smiled softly at him.
God I was nervous.
„Yeah I- nevermind how are you guys. I didn't see you in three week", she asks, interested.
„Well"- I began.
„I have some good news. I wanted to tell you about my progress and I'm ready to tell you a few thing. First how I feel, not really what happened"
„That's fine honey"
„Okay so-", he grabbed my hand under the table
„I stopped harming myself. I'm clean for two weeks now and I take my meds regularly. I'm feeling a lot of better and I think i'm on the right way.", I smiled.
„Wow that's - amazing! I'm so proud! I always knew you're strong.", she sounded happy. For real this time.

„Thanks mom", I smiled.
„And how are you Will?"
„Uhm. I feel good. I will know next week whether the treatment has worked."
„Oh honey, I hope it will.", she said worried.
„Sooo mom, we wanted to tell you something", I said and I put our intertwined fingers on the table.

I know it's short, but I'm very stressed so I hope y'all understand. A vote and comment would be nice 🥰🥺

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