Chapter siX

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Conilia managed to drive Rexx to the hotel. She helped him to his apartment and got him a cup of coffee.

Conilia: here, this should calm your nerves. Stay strong Ok?
Rexx: (in pain) take the earphone on the table for me.
Conilia: (searching) earphone.. earphone...where?
Rexx: The white earphone over there.
Conilia: Oh ok. Here, have it. What kind of earphone is that anyways?
Rexx: (contacts Possible) Possible!
Possible: Hey bro. What's up? How was your date. I can really hear in your voice that you had a great time.
Rexx: I've been shot by a rebel. Get me the black tablets before the powder spreads into my blood.
Possible: What? Don't panic bro, we're on our way to your apartment.
Conilia: Rexx, who are you? ..and why all these strange things going on? Did you steal that car?
Rexx: Ok Conilia listen. I'm a secret agent. Those were the bad guys after us.
Conilia: (Astonished) what did  they want? Money? Gold? Tissue paper? ....
Rexx: Tissue paper?
Conilia: maybe not!
Rexx: They wanted to kill me....and they managed to shoot me.
Conilia: why don't you wanna be taken to the hospital?
Rexx: The bullet contains black poisonous powder. The moment you get shot,the powder slowly spreads through out your blood. The moment it reaches your heart, you die!
Conilia: (scared) let's take out the bullet then.
Rexx: (crying in pain) If you try removing it, more pressure will be added to the bullet and cause the powder to spread faster.
Conilia: (tears in her eyes) So you are going to dis? Rexx! At least tell me where the money is before you go.
Rexx: dont worry, there's this tablet that can totally wipe out the poison in just a minute.
Conilia: Oh! So where is it?
Rexx: On it's way. My brothers are bringing it.
Conilia: hope they make it in time.
Rexx: (grabs conilias hand) Do me a favour conilia. Come closer...I mean closer to me.

Once again, the lips of both lovers got hold of each other, slowly and passionately kissing. This time without any pessimism, Conilia kissed Rexx back. Still kissing, the door banged open and Possible with Fbone caught the two kissing with Rexx's hand already under the skirt of Conilia.

Possible: (coughs) Aren't you supposed to be rehearsing on how you're gonna lay in your casket?
Rexx: Don't you know how to knock?
Possible: oh wow...then I'm going  back out then knock. I just hope you'll be dead by the time I get back in.
Conilia: Give me the tablets.
Possible: (teases) Oooo! Someone's girl is scared.
Conilia: (hikes possible) don't joke with me!
Possible: Ok! Ok! Calm down con...con ...lady calm down! Leave my shirt. Fbone, the tablets.
Fbone: erm...they are with you.
Possible: Really? Well they ain't in my pockets.
Fbone: where are they then?
Possible: oh come on...I gave them to you!
Fbone: No you did not. Forgotten you took it from the aid box whiles I was driving?
Possible: yeah! And I handed It to you when we got to the traffic.
Fbone: Yeah! And when I was reversing on the blocked road, I gave it back to you.
Rexx: (suffocating) guys!
Conilia: Rexx? Guys....guys...
Possible: Yeah and when we got here I placed it by your side and told you to take it.
Conilia: (Screams) Possible!
Possible: Look con...errm. look lady, stay outta this.
Conilia: (in tears) He's dying.
Fbone: Oh here it is. Who placed it in my pocket? You?
Possible: No I didn't.
Conilia: (snatches the tablets) Idiots!

Conilia took the tablet from Fbone and gave it to Rexx whiles Possible and Fbone continued their argument. Within a minute, Rexx was all well. The only thing left was for the bullet to be removed from his shoulder.
Possible tried to remove the bullet as Conilia stood behind crying in pain as if the bullet was being removed from her body.

Conilia: (crying in pain) ouch! Aww! Take time. You're hurting him.
Possible: Don't worry, I'm an expert at this.
Fbone: What actually happened?
Conilia: wanna know what happened? Go watch Fast and furious 8.
Fbone: That's cheeky....
Conilia: Ok we went to Mombasa plaza and...
Fbone: Mombasa plaza? You guys went that far?
Rexx: we needed privacy!
Fbone: hahaaa! Ok then?
Conilia: then as we were chatting, I recognized three men in Black outfits opposite the plaza. I saw them at my apartment when Rexx came to pick me I realised they had followed us to Mombasa. I asked Rexx whether he knew them but all what he said was run! So we got into our car and ..
Possible: wait...wait...wait. You and who's car?
Rexx: what's mine belongs to her now.
Fbone: carry on.
Conilia: yeah so we drove off and they chased after us. So whiles Rexx was trying to shoot back at them after they shot his glasses, they hit him on his shoulder.
Possible: How is that supposed to be Furious 8? It sounds like Furious 0.
Conilia: I'm not going to mind you. You're such a temptation. I wonder how a joker like you got the chance to be an agent.
Possible: (shocked) did she ...?
Conilia: Rexx told me everything.
Fbone: Oh no!
Conilia: So can I come with you guys to your base?

Honestly speaking,Rexx,Possible and Fbone where crossed by Conilias question. They didn't know what to say and fortunately for them, Legacy called.

Possible: hello honey!
Legacy: baby, where are you? Still at the hotel?
Possible: Yes dear. Rexx got shot by a rebel so we are taking care of him.
Legacy: Ok dear. Just that your children and I have missed you so much.
Possible: Don't worry honey. I will leave on Thursday for work so today being a Tuesday, I guess I can come home tomorrow morning. It's late now.
Legacy: (Happy) really? you'll come see us before you leave for work?
Possible: I will do anything to make you happy my love.
Legacy: love ya! Bye.

Conilia stood there quietly, wondering who Possible had spoken to.

Conilia: That's your fiance?
Possible: my wife! Legacy.
Conilia: (amazed) So, you are married. Wow!
Possible: surprised? I'm not a kid you know....
Rexx: hey, what are you trying to say?
Fbone: yeah. Who are you calling a kid?
Possible: I was talking coneli.
Conilia: it's conilia! Anyways so does Legacy know about your little secret?
Rexx: Legacy is a former agent of TSA!.
Conilia: ok, now it's getting more interesting.
Possible: yeah! But something happened...
Conilia: (curious) What?

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