May the angels keep you safe

905 13 4

Dewgrass home for the mentally unstable

"Bad things happen. Terrible people. Yes, terrible, terrible people,"


"Sometimes, you can't help everyone,"

"You have to move on,"

"Terrible, terrible,"

"Look on the bright side,"

"Nothing will ever be the same,"

"You don't understand!"

"You're lying!"

"Terrible, terrible,"

"I could have stopped it!"

"This is my fault,"

"What part of 'alone' don't you understand!"

"Oh, and you think I'm not miserable,"

"Don't you ever think about anyone but yourself?"

"Terrible! Terrible! Terrible!"

Lucie wailed, and her anguish echoed of the plain walls of her padded cell. The voices. Everywhere. She couldn't sleep; they were waiting in her dreams. She couldn't close her eyes; they were hiding under her eyelids. She couldn't move; they could be around any corner. The ginger haired girl dug her nails into her palms deep enough to draw blood, and cried out again. Her sobs grew to a crescendo, and only those who listened carefully could hear her words lying beneath her misery. "Finn!"


James was waiting. And waiting. And waiting. For her to wake up. For Deborah to come back into the waiting room. For Riley to arrive and comfort him. For Laura to wait with him.

He let his head rest against the plain wall, and his eyes wondered up and down the corridor. His eyes rested on one door. Piper was behind that door, as was Deborah. It swung open, and his mother staggered out with tears pouring down her face. James helped her sit beside him on another identical chair.
"J-James," The older woman choked, desperately trying to tell him what the doctors said. She couldn't. If she said it, it might come true. She'd already lost Rebecca; she couldn't stand to see another daughter dead.

A doctor came out and sat beside James; the boy's concerned yet confused expression was all that he needed to pull the boy further down the corridor and tell him the news.

"Your sister, I am correct in thinking that she's your sister?"
"When she was freed from the car," The doctor took a deep breath, "Her heart wasn't beating. Thankfully, our medical team were able to resuscitate her,"
James blinked a few times. Piper had died.
"However, her heart is significantly weaker, and her brain had been deprived from oxygen for a short, yet still dangerous, time period."
The doctor looked over his glasses at the boy, who seemed to barely register what had been said.

"An operation was still necessary, so she went under an anesthetic. Sadly, it caused her to slip into a potentially deadly coma,"

"So she might not wake up,"

The doctor sighed sadly, and met James' wounded gaze.

"She might not wake up"


"Hi Davis. It's been a week now and honestly? Everything's changed. Summer ran away, and they're still looking for her. I hope they find her. She should rot in a prison cell for life after what she did! I don't understand why anyone would want to hurt you. You were always the nice one, all smiles and hugs. If I could, I would take your place Davis. You have no idea how guilty I feel now. I could have given up my spot for you in the hip hop routine. I should have helped you go over the choreography when you struggled. I shouldn't have let you go to Encore, because then we both could have won regionals. We both could have gone to Nationals. Speaking of Nationals, The Next Step ran out of money. It's been closed down, but the area around it is too unstable to do building work. Do you remember back in middle school? When we said we would run a dance troupe together? We could have helped Michelle and Emily run The Next Step. I've been saying 'could' a lot, haven't I?" Jacquie began to sob, the words struggling through her throat and croaking across the grave filled land. "Maybe it's because, since your not here anymore, that I can't help but think what your life could have been like, before Summer took it from you," Footsteps crunched up the gravel behind her, and the darkly haired girl assumed it was her mother, coming to pick her up. "I have to go soon Davis, but remember, there isn't a day that I don't miss you," She let her fingers trace the name engraved on the stone as the footsteps neared. "Bye."

The footsteps passed her, and she looked up in confusion to see Finn heading down the path. "Finn?"
He looked up at her with confused eyes. "Hi Jacquie," Then he was on his way again. She noticed he was holding a plastic tray of flowers. Their petals were purple, yet speckled with white; they looked like a midnight sky.

Finn navigated his way through the graveyard, around winding paths and gnarled trees. A patterning of soil tipped from the edge of the tray, so he straightened it and carried on. Eventually, he reached the other side of the cemetery. A large weeping willow tree graced the far corner, its long branches brushing against the ground in the breeze. He set the tray down a few feet away from it, and knelt in front of a gravestone that was perfectly upright and clean. Very slowly, Finn began to dig shallow holes around the slight mound that the coffin lay beneath.

As he worked, there was nothing holding the tears back, and they watered the Earth and flowers as they were placed in the holes. Soon, the grave was enclosed with a ring of midnight sky pansies, giving the resting place as much life as it could have - given the fact that it held a body.

The blonde haired boy pushed himself up, and dusted off his hands and knees free of the clods of mud and grass clinging to them. He took one last, longing look at the stone as he walked away.

Archie Mackie
Died aged 32
A loving Husband, Father and Friend.
May the angels forever keep you safe.

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