The witness

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Jacquie's house

Jacquie rested her head against Davis' door as her dark hair fell over her face. One palm rested flat against the wood, whilst the other hung uselessly by her side. Just open the door. Just pull the handle.

Her hand twitched towards the gold painted doorknob, but then fell back down by her side. She shook her head in submission and trudged back to her room, where she curled up on her mattress. Her duvet was currently drying downstairs, as her tears had soaked it through the sheets. Jacquie pulled her phone from her pocket and stared at the notifications about missed calls, voicemails, text messages. At least half of them were from Richelle, numerous missed calls from other former members of A-troupe - likely to be attempting to comfort her. Jacquie also noticed a bunch of texts from Noah, but she wasn't interested in reading them any time soon. She opened messages and checked Richelle's, as the blonde haired dancer never usually blew up her phone.

Richelle: Jacquie can you answer me?
Richelle: Please answer me!
Richelle: Are you ignoring me?
Richelle: Please please please please please please please please please please pick up!
Richelle: I really don't want to tell you via text

3 hours later

Richelle: Fine, I'm telling you via text.
Richelle: Me and Noah are moving to New York.
Richelle: Are you mad?
Richelle: I got a job at a professional dance company, and Noah's a choreographer for a dance competition, well temporarily anyway.

Jacquie's hand clenched into a fist as her other scrolled through the messages. How could Richelle be so heartless? My sister is dead and now she's running off to New York with my ex boyfriend!

Jacquie: Yes Richelle. I am mad. Davis is dead, and your going off to live an amazing life with Noah. You aren't even coming to the funeral!

Richelle didn't even reply. Letting out a cry of disgust, Jacquie threw down her phone and sobbed, her tears falling freely down her face as she cried her heart out.


"Due to the insufficient evidence shown to me, I declare that Logan Peterson is innoce-"

"Wait!" The lawyer arguing against Logan's innocence stood up abruptly, shuffling his papers. The court was only on the first day, yet the ups and downs had been difficult to keep level. First, the judge declared that Logan was being charged with assisting Summer Linder in the murder of Davis Ratzlaff; and the murder of Jake Stanton. Unfortunately, Logan's lawyer had been pulling open loop holes left right and center, making it near impossible to get a decent argument.

Now the lawyer had pulled his last card, the final witness. The witness was called to the podium, where she stood calmly, her palms resting on the wood.

"Do you swear to tell the truth, the absolute truth, and nothing but the truth?"

"I swear it," The witness said, looking up at the judge.

The lawyer stepped forward to begin to ask questions. "Do you know what Logan Peterson was doing, on the date of Jake Stanton's death?"

"Yes. I do, he was going to talk to the leader of the gang he was involved in. He also mentioned that there was another girl there, who he hoped he could spend time with, as he put it" The witness said, internally smirking as she tucked a strand of her bright pink hair behind her ear.

Dewgrass home for the mentally unstable

Lucie stirred her cold soup around aimlessly in the white plastic bowl. The spoons were plastic too. A few nurses stood nearby, concerned about her refusal to eat.

"Are you going to eat that?" A girl of around eleven stood opposite her, her bright blue eyes blinking innocently.
Lucie pushed the bowl away from her. "No, I'm not going to eat it," The ginger haired girl slumped forwards.
"No, I'm not going to either. I was just curious," The girl laughed, and her blonde hair swished. Lucie pushed her chair back slightly, so she was further away from the girl. A nurse came up to try and separate them, but the girl pouted. "I was just making friends, like you said to!" She cried, crossing her arms over her chest. "Ok, okay Issy, but if you upset her, you're going straight to your room. Understand?" The nurse scolded, waiting for Issy to murmur a reply, before leaving.

"Nurses can be easily manipulated, if you know how," Issy leant over the table and spoke in a hushed tone. Lucie didn't even smile. The blonde rolled her eyes and leant backwards, rubbing her chin thoughtfully.

"You know, I think we'll get along just fine!"

Courthouse (45 minutes later)

"Kayla, Kayla don't do this" Logan whispered, but was quickly silenced by the judge. The lawyer continued in his questioning. "And did anything else happen after this? Was Logan perhaps acting strangely?" The lawyer pressed.
"He acted the way he normally does, as he usually stops by my house every evening. This particular night, he was complaining about the 'unhelpful death of Jake'. When I asked him why Jake died, he laughed and said that he, Logan, had shot him," Kayla explained, her palms sweating almost unnoticeably. The judge frowned.
"And why did you not come forth sooner?"
"I was threatened, just like Summer Linder was when she shot Davis Ratzlaff," The witness told the judge. She wanted Logan to rot in jail for the rest of his life, after what he had forced upon innocent people.

The judge turned to Logan.
"Did you indeed threaten Summer Linder? And remember that you are sworn in by an oath."

"Yes. But I never intended for Davis to be shot; she was my girlfriend," The curly haired boy calmly spoke.

"Liar!" Kayla forgot her professional front as she hissed at Logan. She turned to the judge. "They split up a day before Davis was shot dead. Awfully suspicious if you ask me!" The pink-haired girl raised her voice louder.

The judge banged his gavel and called for order.

"Court adjourned. To be continued at a later date."

Author's note

I'm sorry that this update has taken so long, but I'm currently on holiday so I don't have much time to write. I am also apologizing in advance for anyone who gets triggered by the court scene. I don't really know how a court goes, and the more I try to research, the more I get confused. Sorry!

Spring Xx

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