It's Piper

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Maud's coffee shop

"Babe, you need to get over him!" Kenzie laughed, taking another sip of her vanilla bean latte. Cherry, her newly found friend, smiled and stirred her hot chocolate miserably.

"I know... But I like him so much!"

"He sounds like a right buffoon! You know, there was this kid back in first grade, and I fancied him like mad. Then he comes up to me, acting all cool and what not, and goes: I'm going to tell you a secret. I smiled and said to go ahead, then he whispers that he likes me - but his breath was so bad I started running away!" Both of them erupted into peals of laughter, swapping various tales of stupid things boys had done.

"The boy I like, when we were around seven or eight, comes running up to me in the playground and is screaming that he's going to be a movie star," Cherry broke off as she giggled again, her cheeks beginning to tire from so much smiling.

"Anyway, we both get really excited, but a few weeks later I see him in an advert for breakfast cereal! It was the funniest thing, but it wasn't at the time, because I was really confused!" Both girls laughing, before Kenzie spluttered out: "What commercial?"

"The fruity moons one!"

Amanda's house

"Hi Riley!" Michelle smiled and hugged her friend, who uncertainly hugged her back.

"Michelle... What brings you here?"

The woman, who like always was dressed in pink, bit her lip. "Is Amanda in?"

"Oh, yeah. Come in!" Riley stood to the side, and heard cries of excitement from both of them. Then a moment of talking, before more squealing. She was slightly concerned that they might wake Joseph up, and her hand automatically moved to her still flat stomach. Tomorrow she was supposed to be having her very first ultrasound - she was seven weeks into pregnancy. But James had barely mentioned the baby. Of course he was worried about Piper, but it honestly seemed like he didn't care at all, especially since they had almost lost their child. She shuddered at the memory.

The morning sickness had vanished too. So perhaps that was the first warning sign.


The girl sat up in the strange place, scanning her surroundings. The room seemed familiar, yet she couldn't quite place it... Ok, ok. Let's do this logically. Who am I? Well that one's easy. I'm- I -am...
She frowned. What was her name? Nevermind, it would come to her. She climbed to her feet, noticing the mirrors that covered one of the walls. The floor was wooden, and a crystal chandelier hung above her head. There were also chickens on the wall. She decided that she didn't like the chickens.

On the other side of the room, was a smaller room, with windows in it. The girl went over to it and opened the door. It too felt familiar. Do I live here? The place did feel like a home, yet it was such a strange place to live, she could not ever believe that she lived there. She picked up a photo frame, but the photo was blurry, and her mind could not recall what it was supposed to be of. Who takes blurry photos anyway? There was a big trophy in the office too. She ran her finger tips over it, and looked at the lettering at the bottom: it didn't make sense. The trophy seemed to have changed shape slightly since she last saw it. Huh? At that point, she'd decided to go and explore, so she left the dark room and started walking.

And walking.

And walking.

By the time she realized she couldn't go anywhere else, the girl turned back and found herself in the same room, yet it... Wasn't? Instead of the happy, loving place it was earlier, now it felt cold and empty. Her face was heating with embarrassment - everyone hated her. Who? Who hates me? Why am I embarrassed? Confused and broken, she carried on running.

Once again, she left the room, and appeared in the same one. Again, but this was full of pity. Upon glancing downwards, she saw her wrists dripping blood. She left again.

Another room, full of betrayal.

Another, full of love.

Another with happiness, another with sadness. One with nervousness, and one with regret.

All the same room. Every time. So many emotions attached to this one room.

Where am I?

Finally, she arrived at the room she started at, a room of safety. The windows were dark, and, figuring it must be late, the girl searched the office for a clock. 4:51 pm. But the second hand wasn't moving. She sat for what felt like an eternity, staring at the unmoving clock. Staring, staring, searching.

Why am I here? I want to go home!

But what if she lived here? And over and over again those torturous thoughts bounced around in her head. Every now and again, their would be a light, or a stiffness in her back, or a slight twinge in her arm, but apart from that, she felt nothing.


But you can only go on for so long. So long before you get tired, and you can't stay awake any longer. She was tired: so, so tired.

And as she drifted off to sleep, it hit her. I'm a dancer. I dance here. This is Studio A. But there's more of us, I know it. We need to go to Nationals. I have a brother who used to dance here. His girlfriend is pregnant. Why am I here? Why?

Her eyes closed, and some force stronger than sleep swept over her, as she recalled more and more facts about herself.

What's my name? What's my name?

It's Piper.

4:51 am

James' house




"Huh? What?"

"Wake up! Quickly, we need to go to the hospital!" Riley shook her boyfriend awake, an urgent expression on her face.

"Wha- why?"

She took a deep breath, meeting his puzzled gaze with her concerned one.

"It's Piper."

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