The flowers on the wall

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Dewgrass home for the mentally unstable

Lucie raised her eyebrows doubtfully as Issy pulled her up yet another flight of stairs. "Are you sure your room is this high up?" The red haired girl asked, craning her neck upwards.
"Oh yes! It's part of my 'treatment'. I like being up in high places, so it's pretty much perfect!" Issy spoke in the excited manner of a young child.

She was wearing her "normal" clothes, as she liked to call them. Well, if normal was wearing ripped jeans over the top of leggings, and odd transparent socks. Issy also wore a t-shirt with a French slogan displayed upon it, and an unbuttoned shirt like a jacket. Her blonde hair hung down to just below her shoulders, and it was clearly unbrushed by the amount of tangles in it.

"What exactly is your 'treatment'?" Lucie asked the seemingly younger girl. "We don't talk about that," Issy snapped, turning to face her with a darkened glare. The rest of the way up was in silence.

Once the two girls reached the room, Lucie surprised to see that Issy's room had a window. Other rooms in the home did have windows - small ones, sealed in and unable to open. But this window stretched across the majority of the wall, with smaller windows above it that were opened just a fraction. The walls were papered too, colourful pinstripes surrounded the room in a dizzying effect.
"Yeah, it's awful!" Issy laughed, balancing on her bed and stretching up her hands to a peeling corner of wall paper.
"It's not!"
"It so is! It doesn't matter - I'm getting out of here soon anyway." The girl succeeded in snatching at the corner, and the strip of paper fell away, revealing vibrant flowers that overlapped and covered the wall with petals. "Wow" Lucie breathed, stepping forward and tracing her fingers over a pale pink rose.
"Did you do this?"
"No, a unicorn on roller skates did," Issy replied with a roll of her eyes. "Of course I did it!"
"How? When? Why?" Lucie asked, her fingers moving onto a purple and white flower.
"One question at a time!" Issy laughed, perching on her bed and crossing her ankles, "How: with paint. When: a few months ago. Why: For Olly."

The ginger haired girl frowned. "Whose Olly?"
"My friend."
"Flowers for Olly, haven't you seen the news recently?"
"Olly died here, and people think it's wrong that homes like this are still up and running. They had with flowers them when they were protesting. The owner shut it down, of course, but some of us still..." Issy trailed off, a sad look in her eyes. "Still want to get out," Lucie finished, before her gaze fell to Issy's t-shirt. It read Des fleurs pour Olly.

Flowers for Olly.


"Can I talk to her?"
"She won't hear you."
"But can I?"
"Fine. But keep it down, you don't want to disturb anyone," The doctor sighed irritably, adjusted his spectacles, and left the room with his clipboard under his arm. "You have ten minutes," He called over his shoulder as the door shut behind him.  James sighed softly and traced his thumb across the back of her motionless hand.
"Hey Pipes," Her brother whispered, adjusting his hands so that he could hold hers. Only the steady rise and fall of her chest told him that she was still alive. That and the numerous wires that were attached to screens monitoring her heartbeat, temperature, blood pressure and other things. He bit his lip as there was nothing much else to say.
"James?" Laura's soft and tired voice came from behind him. There were dark circles under her eyes, and she hadn't even applied her usual amount of makeup. She took a shaky step towards him, but her younger brother looked away sharply. Misinterpreting the action, Laura backed away, telling him that she was going home, that she was sorry and he could talk to her if he needed anything and he can't keep everything inside him and...

"You guys need to go now," A nurse approached them, holding her papers to her chest. "We need to do a few more blood tests," She explained, clutching the papers tighter, as if she regretted turning them out. Laura felt the tears fall down her cheeks as she left, not realizing that James was still in there.

"Sir, you need to go now," The nurse repeated, resting a hand awkwardly on his shoulder. He nodded and reluctantly let go of Piper's hand, shutting the door behind him.

When he'd turned away from Laura, it wasn't to spite her, to ignore her, to hurt her in anyway.

It was to hide the tears that fell.

So, obviously updating every Sunday isn't working for me, so I'll probably update try and update on Sunday or Monday and work from there. Also this chapter is shorter than the others because I am running low on motivation this week.

Spring Xx

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