I don't believe in magic

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Finn's house

Finn yawned as he dragged himself from the comfort of his bed. The house was strangely quiet without Lucie, and although his parents told him that she was at her aunt's house, the feelings in his gut told him different. But he didn't dare question them - he didn't want another fight.


Finn sat on the stairs, listening to the row happening in the living room. Earlier, his step dad had told him that Piper was in hospital, but refused to tell him anything else.
"I don't care what you think is best for him! I'm his mother! I know what's best for my son, and that's for him to know the truth!"
"Do you really want to upset him further!?"
"Of course I don't but-"
"Really?  Because the last time I checked, sending Lucie to that place was your idea!"
"It wasn't 'my' idea, thank you very much! It was the Doctor's idea! And anyway, you were supposed to be the one to tell him!"
"Why should I tell him? You're his mother!"
"Oh, so does that mean that I'm supposed to do everything?"
"No, of course not!"
"You said you'd raise him like your own when I agreed to marry you!"
"And I have!" His step dad yelled, and a moment later, he burst out, slamming the door behind him. Finn didn't have time to run back up the stairs; he was caught under his step dad's upset gaze.
"Didn't I ever tell you not to eavesdrop?" He whispered, before picking his keys off the hook on the wall and going out.
"Probably off to drink his problems away," His mum sniffed, pushing past Finn to her bedroom.

End of flashback

His step dad hadn't gone to 'drink his problems away': he'd come back a few hours later with flowers for his wife. Still, Finn absolutely hated it when they argued. Normally, he'd go to the studio he was currently at and dance, or talk to his friends, but now The Next Step was closed. It didn't matter. Going back there would remind him of Piper. He ran his fingers through his blonde hair as he nibbled his lip in thought. Finn reached for his phone and dialled the number Piper had once called on his phone when she'd left hers at home.

James' house

Ring, ring. Ring, ring. Ring ri-

James picked up the phone and held it to his ear. "Hello?" He sighed.
"Hi, this is Finn-"
"How did you get my number?"
"She's in hospital, in case you haven't heard," James snapped, going to hang up.
"No, not recently! She called you on my phone a while ago when she left hers at home, remember?" The voice on the other end sounded equally as miserable.
"Ok kid, that doesn't matter anymore. Why are you calling me?"
"I wanted to see how you were doing," Finn said. James' reply died in his throat. Finn was checking up on him?
"Hello? James?"
"Yeah, I'm good thanks."
"No you're not. Your little sister's in hospital. If I was in your position, I'd be destroyed,"
"Oh well now you know how I'm feeling. If that's all-"
"Wait, just... Please tell me what's wrong with Piper. No one will tell me, and I'm worried about her. I know you don't like me, but I still care about her," Finn blurted out.
James felt the back of his eyes burning with tears.
"Finn, she's in a coma. And she might not..." He couldn't bring himself to finish it.
"She will wake up," Finn's voice sounded naive through the phone, and James - from his sitting position on the end of his bed - kicked the foot of the bed in frustration.
"You don't know that,"
"She will wake up, she's... Nevermind, it sounds stupid now," Finn trailed off.
"She's what?"
"The first time my little sister  met Piper, she said: 'She's magic'. I asked her if she meant magical, because she sometimes gets confused with words, and she said 'No, she is magic'. And it sounds stupid, but that's what Piper is: Magic. I felt it when I fell for her, and I feel it when I'm with her. Don't you ever feel it?"
"Yeah, I do," James smiled, although it felt ridiculous that the little speech should make him feel better. Then the smile faded.
"But I don't believe in magic," He kicked the bed again. It was true - if magic existed, Piper wouldn't be in hospital in the first place.
"I do," Finn whispered.


"What's your little sister's name?" James asked, changing the subject to the girl who could sum up his sister in one word.
"Lucie. She's twelve."
Lucie. That rings a bell. James thought, supposing that Piper had mentioned her once or twice. The doorbell rang downstairs, and he heard his mum answer it. Riley's voice rose up the stairs.
"I should go now,"
"Ok, cool," Finn replied, and James went to hang up.
"Wait, Finn!"
"You're not that bad," At this point Riley entered the room, and James ended the call.
"James, I'm so sorry I couldn't come to the hospital yesterday!" She cried hugging him tightly. He kissed her forehead softly and hugged her back. "It's just that there was blood in the morning and I thought- I thought-" Riley broke off as she tried to recollect herself. "I thought I'd lost the baby," She finally whispered. James felt like the breath had been sucked from his body. "What happened then?" His concern evident in his voice.
"I went to the doctors, and I had to have a scan. They thought it had died, but... The strangest thing happened. They turned the screen away, and I thought it was too late to save the baby, but then they turned it back around, and the baby was fine! I have to call them at the sight of any more blood though. James?" He'd fallen silent. His brown gaze wondered to her stomach, where a tiny human would develop over the months.

Maybe magic does exist...


Sorry for the inconsistant updates! I'm trying to get onto a schedule, but nothing really works. I hope you liked this chapter (I know it's kind of sappy). Please feel free to comment ideas for the story!
Spring Xx

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