Far from over

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Ricky's caravan

"Can I see yet?" Laura asked, holding onto her boyfriend's wrists as they covered her eyes.
"Nope!" Ricky laughed, before quickly warning her about a step. They moved into a little room, and the darkly haired boy turned her round so she would get the best possible view.
"Ta-da!" He cried, throwing his hands up in a grand gesture.

The walls were a painted cream, and they were currently standing in the kitchen area. There was a small stove, cupboards, and a kettle, and further down Laura could see a seating area with a television.

"It's not much, but... In here there's a pullout bed, and I can sleep on the sof-" Ricky was cut off by his girlfriend pressing her lips against his.

"It's perfect."

James' house

Another knock on the door. Followed by the repetitive ringing of the doorbell as the eager reporter tried to persuade the inhabitants of the house to let him in for an exclusive interview.

James slammed his hand palm first against the table, and Riley jumped, some of her caffeinated drink sloshing over the side of the cup.
It was just them in the house, with Laura someplace with Ricky, and Deborah at the hospital.

"Will he ever give up?" James sighed, leaning back on his chair in surrender.
"Apparently not," His girlfriend and mother-to-be sighed and sipped her drink.

His mobile rang, and the caller ID showed that it was West.
"Bro, have you seen the paper?" That was the first thing James heard as he accepted the call.
"No, why?"
"It's about Rebecca and Piper, how the people responsible are supposedly working with you"
James frowned. Firstly, the idea that he would want kill his sisters was ridiculous, and secondly, he knew neither him nor Deborah had told any journalists or reporters about the incident.
"Why would they write something like that!" He snapped, slightly in shock.
"I don't know, but that's not even the worse part." Came West's reply, and James stood up and began pacing as Riley stared at him.

"It gets worse?"

"Some people are saying it didn't even happen. They say that it's all some big publicity stunt for the studio that backfired. I heard someone say earlier that they reckon Piper and Davis probably ran off in some wild spur of the moment then- James?" West realized that the phone had hung up, but he wasn't sure when.

"James, you okay?" Riley asked as James sat down heavily on the sofa and put his head in his hands.

No, I'm not okay.

"Yeah, I'm cool."


"The jury have decided, and..." The judge declared.

Logan looked like he was about to be sick, whilst Kayla crossed her fingers in her lap.

"Logan Peterson, is guilty, and hereby sentenced to 30 years behind bars."

Kayla threw back her head and smiled, eyes closed and mouth slightly open. It was over. Guards came to escort Logan to his new cell, but she barely noticed. It was like severing off a limb, but almost instantly replacing it with a stronger one, a better one.

It may seem strange, but in that moment, time seemed to slow, a bit like in the movies when the protagonist sees the love interest for the first time. And then they know that this is who they're going to spend the rest of their life with. Only this feeling was the opposite. Kayla felt that she could now spend her life free from Logan, free from the schemes and the countless girls he brought round.

I never did get my clothes back... She thought, ruining the moment.
Nevermind, it doesn't matter anymore.
But the moment was gone, dissolved into nothingness. Dusting off her pale yellow dress, Kayla rose to her feet and left the room, hailing a taxi and heading home.

Jacquie's house

The letterbox fluttered, and an envelope fell to the floor addressed to her. Jacquie frowned and bent down to pick it up, flicking off some dirt as she peered at the handwriting. It didn't appear to be from anyone she knew, but nevertheless she carefully opened it and began to read.

Does it ever occur to you that faking the death of your sister for popularity is a bit extreme? Some people generally believe your sob story but the rest of us don't. So you can take your actors and fake news and-

The pages tore beneath her tight grip, and Jacquie stared at the letters quietly. Then her hands began to move as if disconnected from her mind, tearing the pieces over and over again until the door mat was covered in tiny white confetti. Tears again fell from her eyes, just like every other time that thoughts would lead to Davis' death.

She tried to wipe her eyes with the back of her hand, but they continued to spill, and Jacquie leant against the wall.

Gone was the strong minded girl who tended to take matters into her own hands, gone was the will to keep on fighting the same battle in an endless war, over and over, never winning; always fighting.

But the battles were harder, she was tiring. The other side had soldiers, horses, weapons. She had nothing, no one.

Once knocked down, she crawled. Jacquie wouldn't even try to get back up, it was pointless. Once she soon grew too exhausted to crawl, she lay there, fighting the battle over and over again. It was far from over.

Though she can win, a way of beating the demons that plagued her relentlessly.

She just doesn't know it yet.

Sorry for not updating yesterday or the day before, I have been busy alongside the fact that I have been having problems typing recently. My apologies once again, and I hope you have a great day!

Spring Xx

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